
Fallece Irrfan Khan, actor indio conocido por La vida de Pi, a los 53 años

El actor de cine indio Irrfan Khan, conocido en todo el mundo por sus papeles en «La vida de Pi» o «Slumdog Millionaire», falleció este miércoles a los 53 años en la ciudad de Bombay, meca de la industria cinematográfica de Bollywood.

«Rodeado de amor y su familia por la que se desvivía, nos dejó para ir al cielo dejando un verdadero legado. Rezamos por él y esperamos que esté en paz», indicó la familia de Khan en un comunicado.


Irrfan Khan: Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi actor dies

Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, renowned internationally for roles in the hit films Slumdog Millionaire and Jurassic World, has died at the age of 53.

Khan was known for his nuanced and understated performances, with many calling him one of India’s most talented actors.

He was so highly respected, director Wes Anderson once wrote him a part just so he could work with him.

In 2018, the actor revealed he had a neuroendocrine tumour, a rare cancer.

He later underwent treatment in a London hospital for the illness, which affects cells that release hormones into the bloodstream.

Khan had been in intensive care in a Mumbai hospital since Tuesday with a colon infection.

Bollywood stars and politicians rushed to pay tribute on social media.

“An incredible talent… a gracious colleague… a prolific contributor to the World of Cinema… left us too soon… creating a huge vacuum,” superstar actor Amitabh Bachchan who worked with him on the film Piku, tweeted.