
Actriz de The Big Bang Theory confiesa que nunca ha visto la serie

La actriz aseguró que no suele verse a ella misma en televisión. Solo llegó a ver algunos fragmentos del sitcom mientras trabajaban, pero nada más.

The Big Bang Theory se mantuvo en emisión desde 2007 hasta el año pasado, con un total de 232 episodios en los que sus entrañables personajes conquistaron al público y catapultaron a sus protagonistas al estrellato. Su narrativa estilo sitcom y sus inacabables referencias a la cultura pop fueron la clave de su éxito. Y, aun así, hay una actriz de la serie que no ha visto ningún episodio.

La actriz Mayim Bialik, que se hizo mundialmente famosa interpretando a Blossom en los años 90 antes de dar vida a Amy Farrah Fowler durante casi diez años, ha confesado en una reciente entrevista que nunca ha visto un episodio completo de la serie.

«Nunca he visto la mayoría de los episodios», aseguró la actriz en una entrevista con Metro UK. «No me veo en la televisión. Nunca me he sentado y he visto un episodio completo de nuestro programa». Más tarde explicó que sí ha visto algunos «fragmentos» del sitcom mientras trabajaba en la serie, pero nada más.

Bialik tiene un doctorado en Neurociencia en la vida real y ha escrito varios libros. En la serie incluso llegó a ganar un nobel de Física tras casarse con Sheldon Cooper.

La actriz describió la filmación del último episodio como «muy emotivo» y aseguró que «nunca ha tenido un trabajo tan bueno como The Big Bang Theory y lo habría hecho durante todo el tiempo que la gente quisiera que lo hiciese».

One Big Bang Theory Star Admits She’s Never Watched the Show

Mayim Bialik, who played Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory, has never watched the show, though she has seen little snippets here or there. The actress admitted the news in a recent interview. There are a lot of entertainers who don’t like to see their work after it has been released, whether it be a movie, TV show, or the release of an album. Bialik believes the experience of pulling it off with the rest of the cast in front of a live audience is all she needs from it.

Mayim Bialik first showed up in season 3 of The Big Bang Theory. The actress starred in a total of 203 episodes over the course of the show’s original run, but she has yet to see one of said episodes. However, it’s not because she didn’t enjoy her time on the show. Bialik explains.

Amy Farrah Fowler was brought on to become the unlikely love interest of Jim Parsons’ Sheldon Cooper character. Even after a few seasons, fans of the show were unsure how this story arc would work for the rigid character. Mayim Bialik says, “I think it’s a really beautiful example of what unconditional love really looks like.” She went on to point out that, “there was a lot of give and take, it wasn’t just her tolerating him, he also had to make a lot of adjustments and changes.” As Bialik stuck with the show, both her character and the Sheldon character evolved over time and became a fan-favorite aspect of the series.

Mayim Bialik has nothing but fond memories of working on The Big Bang Theory. “Simon Helberg was one of the funniest people I’ve not only worked with but know,” she says. Bialik also went on to talk about rituals that she and the cast had while shooting the show in front of the live audience. “We always had a cast hug before we went out to do our curtain calls and everybody had their own rituals. For the first several years I always drank coke and ate onion rings.” As for the show coming to an end, it took everybody some time to process it. Bialik had this to say.

Since the show ended last year, some cast members have said they wish they were still doing it. Mayim Bialik would fall into that category. She says, “I’ve never had a job as good as The Big Bang Theory and I would have done it for as long as people wanted me to do it.” It is believed that the show mainly came to an end because Jim Parsons wanted to branch out and do other things. Regardless, the show is still massive as it streams on HBO Max to new and old fans. The interview with Mayim Bialik was originally conducted by Metro U.K.