
NYM: Kanye West desistió de su postulación a la presidencia de EEUU

El rapero Kanye West, que el pasado 4 de julio anunció su candidatura a la presidencia de EEUU, dio marcha atrás, según indican informaciones obtenidas por el New York Magazine (NYM).

El medio indica que el polémico músico comunicó su decisión al estratega electoral Steve Kramer, al que inicialmente había contratado para ayudarle en su campaña electoral, y en concreto para que su candidatura fuera aprobada en los estados de Florida y Carolina del Sur.

La semana pasada, según Kramer, el equipo de West trabajó todo el fin de semana para formalizar su candidatura ante la Comisión Electoral Feredal (FEC, sus siglas en inglés), por lo que la decisión del rapero se ha producido de manera repentina.

«Teníamos mucho apoyo para conseguir incluirlo en la papeleta», apuntó Kramer, que varios días después de que el representante de West dejara de contestar a llamadas telefónicas, confirmó que «está fuera» de la carrera presidencial.

La confirmación de que West no se presentará a las elecciones estadounidenses del próximo noviembre se produce después de que la revista Forbes publicara una rocambolesca entrevista con el músico en la que hizo varias controvertidas declaraciones.

Entre ellas, que ya no apoyaba al actual presidente, Donald Trump, a quien había defendido fervientemente, que sospechaba de una posible vacuna contra el COVID-19 o que el sistema de planificación familiar de EEUU es obra de los supremacistas blancos.

Poco después, una fuente desveló a la revista People que West está pasando por un episodio de bipolaridad, y que tanto su esposa, Kim Kardashian, como sus allegados, estaban preocupados por su salud. EFE

Kanye West, husband of Kim Kardashian, now rules out running for election

The presidential race of rapper Kanye West It has taken a radical turn. The husband of the ‘Influencer’ Kim Kardashian, who announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on July 4, has decided to back down, according to what they indicate information obtained by the New York Magazine (NYM).

The media indicates that the controversial musician has communicated his decision to electoral strategist Steve Kramer, whom he had initially hired to help him in his electoral campaign.

Last week, according to Kramer, West’s team worked the entire weekend to formalize their candidacy before the Feredal Electoral Commission (FEC), making the rapper’s decision come abruptly.

“We had a lot of support to get him on the ballot,” he said. Kramer, who several days after West’s representative stopped answering phone calls, confirmed that he “is out” of the presidential race.

The confirmation that West will not run for the US elections next November comes after Forbes magazine published a bizarre interview with the musician in which he made several controversial statements.

Among them, that he no longer supported the current president, Donald Trump, whom he had fervently defended, who suspected a possible vaccine against COVID-19 or that the US family planning system is the work of white supremacists.

Soon after, a source unveiled People magazine that West is going through a bipolar episode, and that both his wife, Kim Kardashian, like their loved ones, they were concerned about his health.

“Kanye has been fine for a long time. In the past, you have suffered from manic and depressive episodes related to your bipolar disorder. Right now, he’s having a hard time again, ”the source explained.

“Kim She is appalled, as is her entire family. It is very stressful for Kim, because Kanye’s behavior is very unpredictable, “he added. by junipersports