¿Quien ganó el debate Trump-Biden? / Who won the Trump-Biden presidential debate?
7 conclusiones clave del primer round por la presidencia de Estados Unidos. El primero de los tres debates presidenciales fue más o menos lo que la mayoría de la gente anticipó: un caos.
El presidente Trump y el exvicepresidente Joe Biden intercambiaron insultos y chicanas, y el moderador Chris Wallace no pudo evitar que los dos candidatos se hablaran entre sí. El resultado fue una noche que reveló poco, pero golpeó el espíritu de la nación.
¿El debate presidencial realmente significó algo? Más que diferencias estilísticas y una sensación general de vergüenza nacional por la debacle, hubo siete conclusiones clave que los votantes pudieron extraer del debate de 90 minutos.
El presidente Trump es el “Interrumpidor en Jefe” (Interrupter-in-Chief). Trump pasó la mayor parte del debate hablando no solo de su rival demócrata, sino también del moderador Chris Wallace. Durante el curso del debate, Trump no dudó en interrumpir a Biden, a menudo castigándolo sin ningún sentido de decoro y luciendo como un matón que quería controlar el debate. Al final, el estilo de Trump parece estridente e implacable, pero no particularmente convincente o presidencial.
Biden resistió la tormenta, pero no sin algunos daños. El exvicepresidente se mantuvo firme frente al ataque de Trump y pudo articular su agenda hasta que fue interrumpido. A pesar de algunos pasos en falso (por ejemplo, decirle al presidente que “se calle” y tratar de articular algunos comentarios confusos sobre los impuestos), el estilo de Biden de hablar directamente a la cámara fue efectivo y convincente. Al final, Biden hizo lo que tenía que hacer: parecía presidencial, incluso en medio del ataque de Trump.
Asistencia sanitaria, asistencia sanitaria, asistencia sanitaria. El segmento de apertura del debate fue posiblemente uno de los momentos más efectivos de Biden, ya que el exvicepresidente defendió con fuerza el Obamacare mientras criticaba los ataques de Trump en su contra. Fue uno de los debates políticos más claros de la noche y posiblemente uno de los más importantes para millones de estadounidenses que dependen de Obamacare para su atención médica. Biden parecía informado y convincente, mientras que Trump, desafiado por Wallace, fracasó sin poder hacer referencia a su propio plan para reformar la atención médica en Estados Unidos. Podría haber sido la discusión más memorable de la noche para aquellos que pudieron prestar atención a la discusión real.
Ganó el miedo. Al negarse a condenar a los supremacistas blancos y a las milicias, y al negarse a decir si pediría a sus partidarios que se abstengan de la violencia después de las elecciones, el presidente Trump aumentó la presión sobre una campaña ya incendiaria. Los comentarios del presidente fueron notables no por lo que dijo, sino por lo que evitó decir. Al negarse a condenar la violencia y al abstenerse a aceptar una elección pacífica, el presidente Trump marcó lo que quizás sea uno de los momentos más oscuros en la historia del debate presidencial estadounidense.
El medio ambiente perdido. Al acercarse al final del debate, la discusión sobre el cambio climático se perdió en la cacofonía de un debate que salió mal. Las discusiones serias se perdieron entre los ataques personales y la fatiga general de los espectadores. En otras palabras, uno de los problemas más críticos del futuro de Estados Unidos y el mundo se perdió en la confusión partidista. Otra vez.
Trump tiene munición, pero Biden tiene empatía. El presidente Trump intentó herir a Biden con ataques contra su hijo, Hunter Biden. Pero a pesar del asalto de Trump, Biden pudo abordar el tema y la nación al hablar ante la cámara sobre su hijo superando la adicción a las drogas. Fue uno de los momentos más poderosos del debate, y un recordatorio de los desafíos y la tragedia que la familia Biden ha superado, y los desafíos que enfrentan cada día muchas familias estadounidenses que lidian con las drogas y el alcohol.
Algo debe cambiar. El debate fue vergonzoso: una vergüenza para los candidatos, una vergüenza para los espectadores y una vergüenza para la nación estadounidense. A pesar de que las campañas han acordado dos debates más, si esto es lo que Estados Unidos tiene que esperar, algo debe cambiar.
Autor: Seth Cohen | Nota publicada en Forbes US.
More from the original source: https://www.forbesargentina.com/today/quien-gano-debate-trump-biden-7-conclusiones-clave-primer-round-presidencia-estados-unidos-n4221
Who won the Trump-Biden presidential debate?
The first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is over, but who won the first presidential debate of 2020?
The first presidential debate of 2020 was a nasty affair between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden as both men clashed ahead of the November 3 election.
The meeting was held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. For 90 minutes Trump and Biden attempted to express their views on issues such as the future of the Supreme Court, the coronavirus pandemic, racial protests and violence in cities and the country’s economy, to name a few.
However, beyond a debate, the meeting between the two was filled with insults and interruption, with Biden calling Trump “Putin’s mascot”, while the president brought up the education and past of the former vice president’s family.
Polls consider Biden as debate winner
The post-debate polls didn’t take long to come out and most of the polls consider that Biden was the winner.
Trump and Biden, spent over an hour during the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio and the messy debate turned nasty quite early on, featuring shouting matches and repeated interruptions that left the moderator – Fox News’ Chris Wallace hugely frustrated.
Trump’s objective was to clearly rattle Biden – and he planned to do it by constantly interrupting the former vice-president. By CBS News’s count, Trump cut in on Biden a total of 73 times.
That made for a series of chaotic exchanges, which included Trump questioning Biden’s intelligence and Biden calling Trump a clown.
Trump repeatedly sniped at Biden, leaving the Democrat laughing and shaking his head.
“Will you shut up, man?”
“Will you shut up, man? This is so unpresidential,” Biden said at the end of a chaotic discussion about the supreme court. “That was a really productive session. Keep yappin’, man.”
The coronavirus was always going to be an awkward area for the president – and the topic came up early in the debate. Trump had to defend a pandemic response that has resulted in more than 200,000 American deaths. He did so by saying the steps he’s taken prevented more deaths and suggesting Biden would have made things worse.
Biden’s reply was to talk directly at the camera, asking the viewers if they could believe Trump, with polls indicating a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of the pandemic.
Biden made a statement of the obvious, by questioning whether Trump was smart enough to handle the coronavirus. “Did you use the word smart,” Trump said offended. “Don’t ever use the word smart with me.” It was then Biden’s turn to interrupt. “You’re the worst president America’s ever had,” he said.
Trump was offered the chance to directly renounce right-wing violence – from white supremacists and militias. He said he would, but then didn’t, instead telling one far-right group, the Proud Boys, to “stand back and stand by”.
The Trump campaign tweeted out from the president’s account as the difficult debate continued, saying that Joe Biden had almost half a century in public office to solve the problems facing the country, and those problems are still around.
“In 47 months, I’ve done more than you’ve done in 47 years,” Trump told the vice-president.
Biden’s response came later on the debate. “Under this president we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent.”
Biden had plenty to say on Trump’s term
On Covid-19:
On average, roughly 750 to 1,000 Americans are dying from Covid-19 every day. When Donald Trump was presented with that number, he said, “It is what it is.” It is what it is because Donald Trump is who he is.”
On job creation:
More jobs were created in the final three years of the Obama-Biden Administration than in the first three years of Donald Trump’s presidency. A million and a half more jobs.
“You heard a lot come out of President Trump’s mouth. Can you name one thing he said to actually make your life better?”
Biden attacks Trump on Covid-19 record
Biden was critical of Trump’s record on the coronavirus pandemic which has killed more than 200,000 Americans, accusing him of failing to protect Americans because he was more concerned about the economy.
“He panicked or he looked at the stock market,” Biden said of Trump, who has pushed for states to reopen their economies and played down the threat of the pandemic.
“A lot of people died and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter, a lot quicker,” Biden said.
Trump objected to Biden using the word “smart” and defended his approach on the pandemic. “We have done a great job.”
Six in 10 say Biden won the debate
According to a CNN poll, Six in 10 debate watchers said former Vice President Joe Biden did the best job in Tuesday’s debate, and just 28% say President Donald Trump did, in a of debate watchers conducted by SSRS. In interviews with the same voters conducted before the debate, 56% said they expected Biden to do the better job, while 43% expected that Trump would.
About two-thirds said Biden’s answers were more truthful than Trump’s (65% Biden to 29% Trump), and his attacks on the President were more frequently seen as fair. Overall, 69% called Biden’s attacks on Trump fair while just 32% said Trump’s attacks were fair.
Over the duration of the debate Trump had the floor for 39 minutes, while Biden spoke for 37 minutes. However, that does not mean that the White House leader has won the debate.
According to YouGov, 69% were upset by the debate, only 17% of viewers felt informed, with 83% of the opinions considering that the debate was negative and only 17% describing it as positive.
Courtesy: AS English
More from the original source: https://en.as.com/en/2020/09/30/latest_news/1601464401_544176.html
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