Ganadores del premio Tomás Rivera Latinx Excellence en Education / Tomás Rivera Latinx Excellence in Education award winners announced
TULSA, OK – El jueves 13 de mayo, la Comisión de Asuntos Hispanos/Latinx del área metropolitana de Tulsa anunció a los ganadores del Premio Tomás Rivera de Excelencia Latinx en la Educación 2021. Este premio reconoce a personas que han tenido un impacto positivo en la comunidad latina de Tulsa. Los ganadores del premio de este año incluyeron a 15 estudiantes. Los ganadores de los premios estudiantiles se seleccionan en función de su liderazgo en actividades extracurriculares tanto en la escuela como en la comunidad. Estos estudiantes deben estar en el undécimo o duodécimo grado con un promedio de calificaciones de 3.0 o más y con un 90 por ciento de asistencia en el primer semestre del año escolar actual.
“Agradecemos a la Comisión de Asuntos Hispanos/Latinx del área metropolitana de Tulsa por apoyar y celebrar a nuestros estudiantes y socios comunitarios latinos”, dijo la Superintendente Deborah A. Gist. “Incluso a lo largo de esta pandemia, estos estudiantes han seguido centrados en el aprendizaje y estoy orgullosa de ver tantas de nuestras preparatorias representadas entre los galardonados de este año”.
Los ganadores del Premio Tomás Rivera de Excelencia Latinx en la Educación de este año incluyen a Angel Báez, Will Rogers College High School; Hector Baños Ramos, East Central High School; Solee Darby-Santa Cruz, East Central High School; Mayra Díaz Ruiz, Central High School; Alejandro Flores, Booker T. Washington High School; Jessica Jaramillo, East Central High School; Wendy Jaramillo, Will Rogers College High School; Emily Lara Chavarria, Nathan Hale High School; Meily Lara, East Central High School; Eli Haram Lerma Ortiz, Nathan Hale High School; María López, Will Rogers College High School; Salatiel López, McLain High School; Michelle Olmedo, Will Rogers College High School; Jasmin Reséndiz, Booker T. Washington High School; Liliana Rodríguez, Will Rogers College High School.
Tomás Rivera Latinx Excellence in Education award winners
TULSA, OK – On Thursday, May 13, the Greater Tulsa Area Hispanic/Latinx Affairs Commission announced their 2021 Tomás Rivera Latinx Excellence in Education award recipients, recognizing individuals who have made a positive impact in Tulsa’s Latinx community. This year’s award winners included 15 students.
Student award winners are selected based on their leadership in extracurricular activities both in school and in the community. These students must be in their junior or senior year of high school with a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher and 90-percent attendance in the first semester of the current school year.
“We are grateful to the Greater Tulsa Area Hispanic Affairs Commission for elevating and celebrating our Latinx scholars and community partners,” said Superintendent Deborah A. Gist. “Even through this pandemic, these students have continued to stay focused on learning, and I’m proud to see so many of our high schools represented in this year’s class of award recipients.”
This year’s Tomás Rivera Latinx Excellence in Education award recipients include Angel Báez, Will Rogers College High School; Hector Baños Ramos, East Central High School; Solee Darby-Santa Cruz, East Central High School; Mayra Díaz Ruiz, Central High School; Alejandro Flores, Booker T. Washington High School; Jessica Jaramillo, East Central High School; Wendy Jaramillo, Will Rogers College High School; Emily Lara Chavarria, Nathan Hale High School
Meily Lara, East Central High School; Eli Haram Lerma Ortiz, Nathan Hale High School
María López, Will Rogers College High School; Salatiel López, McLain High School; Michelle Olmedo, Will Rogers College High School; Jasmin Reséndiz, Booker T. Washington High School; Liliana Rodríguez, Will Rogers College High School.
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