Feminicidio: Violaron y asesinaron a Itzel Dayana dentro de su casa en México
Itzel Dayana Cisneros Gómez de 16 años fue violada y asesinada por sujetos desconocidos quienes por la fuerza entraron a su domicilio mientras la joven se encontraba sola haciendo tareas escolares en el municipio de Nanchital, Veracruz.
El abuso y posterior asesinato de la joven causó conmoción entre los pobladores quienes en redes sociales convocaron a una marcha en exigencia de justicia para Itzel Dayana.
“Jamás creí que pasaría en mi familia, jamás creí qué a una niña inocente, sin meterse con nadie ni deber nada. Te arrebataron de nuestras vidas, dicen que las mujeres estamos locas por pedir seguridad, justicia y respeto para nosotras… Que nosotras buscamos nuestro propio mal. Quien creería que estando en tu propia casa, haciendo tarea porque eras una excelente estudiante, alguien te haría daño”, escribió desde Facebook, Fernanda Camacho, una de sus familiares.
En Veracruz, cifras oficiales del Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública (SESNSP) indican que en lo que va del año han ocurrido 22 feminicidios y más de 700 homicidios en la entidad en lo que va del año.
Por Proceso
They beat, abuse and kill a young man while he is doing his homework at his Veracruz home
Violence against women doesn’t stop on Mexican territory, recently the case of Itzel Dayana, 16 year old who was raped and murdered at home in the municipality of Nanchital, Veracruz, Thursday afternoon, June 3rd.
The minor was doing her homework at her home in the San Miguel neighborhood when two men broke into her home to beat her, sexually abuse her, and eventually take her life.
Itzel, who was in sophomore high school at Cobaev 34 in Nanchital, was found by her family members with her feet, hands and mouth handcuffed, multiple bruises on various parts of her body and signs that she was a victim of rape.
She fought against her attackers, who overpowered her, beat her, gagged her and raped her for the rest of her life. Nobody listened to Itzel in the San Regino neighborhood. Since they did not answer cell phone calls, his parents were alerted. That’s how they found it. There are no prisoners.
– Mujeres de la Sal (@mujeresdelasal) June 4, 2021
According to the mother of the young woman, the last time she had contact with her daughter was after noon through a phone call during which she mentioned that she was home; However, she later stopped answering the cell phone and, unable to communicate with her, her sister went home, where she discovered the horrific scene.
Well worth mentioning Itzel Dayana She wasn’t used to being home alone, but this time her parents and sister had to go to work.
So far, the identity of the attackers is unknown and if they knew the young woman’s family, they know the entrances and exits of each member.
In Nanchital, the feminist collective Morritas Con Furia is calling for a peaceful march that demands justice and attention for cases of violence against women and girls.
From the port of Veracruz we stand in solidarity, stop the war against women. #JusticiaparaItzelDayana pic.twitter.com/qxoco3PZIq
– The Sea Witches (@brujasdelmar) June 4, 2021
After he publicized his case, feminist groups have come together to call a march to seek justice for him. Femicide of Itzel.
For the time being, the ministerial authorities have already opened an investigation folder to investigate the 16-year-old’s case.
In seven states of Mexico, a network for sexual abuse of children in schools has been operating with total impunity for years