Exposiciones de arte destacan a los artistas locales / Gallery exhibitions highlight local artists
Por William R. Wynn | TULSA, OK
Dos exposiciones simultáneas en el Estudio Liggett de Tulsa muestran el trabajo de tres artistas locales. “Artifacts” presenta varias piezas nuevas de Gabriel Rojas, e “Inbound” presenta una muestra de colaboración de Katrinka Booth y Jeffrey Shropshire.
“Artifacts” se compone de varias piezas de técnica mixta de Rojas, un cambio para este artista nacido en Argentina y conocido por sus pinturas.
Rojas explicó a La Semana que creó las piezas utilizando como punto de partida objetos significativos para su herencia boliviana, como un juego de ajedrez tallado a mano. Estos fueron combinados con textiles para producir el producto final.
“Inbound” es una exposición única que permite a los visitantes experimentar la respuesta de un artista a la obra de otro.
Booth, una artista textil, utiliza telas para interpretar fotos surrealistas del centro de Tulsa tomadas por el fotógrafo sin hogar Shropshire.
“El fotógrafo vive actualmente en las mismas calles de Tulsa que son el origen de las fotos”, dijo Booth. “Al haber sido yo mismo un sin techo, la energía de las fotos me llamó la atención y me inspiró para crear representaciones en telas”.
Todas las piezas de ambas exposiciones están a la venta, y pueden verse en persona o en línea en https://www.liggettstudio.com/current-exhibits.
Tras una exitosa noche de inauguración la semana pasada, “Artifacts” y “Inbound” pueden verse los jueves de 5 a 8 de la tarde y los sábados de 1 a 5 de la tarde hasta el sábado 30 de julio.
El estudio Liggett está situado en el 314 S. Kenosha, en el distrito East Village de Tulsa, al borde del centro de la ciudad. (La Semana)
Gallery exhibitions highlight local artists
By William R. Wynn | TULSA, OK
Two concurrent exhibitions at Tulsa’s Liggett Studio are showcasing the work of three local artists. “Artifacts” features several new pieces by Gabriel Rojas, and “Inbound”
presents a collaborative show by Katrinka Booth & Jeffrey Shropshire.
“Artifacts” is made up of several mixed media pieces by Rojas, a departure for the Argentina born artist who is well known for his paintings.
“There is an interplay of multiple influences in my work which seems to constantly build up in layers, with references ranging from ancestral heritage to biological systems, science fiction, and graffiti,” Rojas explained. “Through abstract painting processes, I aim to create that productive tension in painting. Increasingly layered like life; assimilating my thoughts, influences, and experiences in ways that words cannot express.”
Rojas said he sees the process of creating these pieces as a metaphor for his experience as a first-generation immigrant raised in Tulsa, and said the series also references painters who have influenced him, like Stella, De Kooning, Rauschenberg, and Matisse.
Rojas told La Semana that he created the pieces using items of significance to his Bolivian heritage as a starting point, such as a hand carved chess set. These were combined with textiles to produce the final product.
“Most of these works were created this past year and a half with the help of my mother who crocheted specific shapes and colors, collaborating with me throughout the whole ‘painting process,’” Rojas said.
“Inbound” is a unique exhibition allowing visitors to experience one artist’s response to the work of another.
Booth, a textiles artist, utilizes fabrics to interpret surreal photos of downtown Tulsa taken by homeless photographer Shropshire.
“The photographer is currently living on the same streets of Tulsa that are the origin of the photos,” Booth said. “Having been homeless before myself, the energy of the photos caught my eye and inspired me to create renderings in fabrics.”
All of the pieces in both shows are for sale, and can be viewed in person or online at https://www.liggettstudio.com/current-exhibits.
Following a successful opening night last week, “Artifacts” and “Inbound” can be experienced Thursdays from 5-8 pm and Saturdays from 1-5 pm through Saturday, July 30th.
Liggett Studio is located at 314 S. Kenosha in Tulsa’s East Village district on the edge of downtown. (La Semana)
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