
Lanzan inédito video de Cerati en el 62º aniversario de su nacimiento

BUENOS AIRES.- El sello discográfico Sony Music Argentina publicó este miércoles un videoclip «inédito» de Gustavo Cerati, el líder de la histórica banda de rock Soda Stereo, con motivo del 62º aniversario del nacimiento del músico, fallecido en 2014.

El video cuenta con casi 200.000 reproducciones en YouTube, corresponde a la canción «No te creo» y fue filmado originalmente en 2004, con la intención de proyectarlo durante la gira «Canciones elegidas», llevada a cabo ese mismo año.

La filmación muestra a Cerati tocando en Unísono, su estudio de grabación, con los miembros de su banda por aquel entonces: Fernando Nalé (bajista), Leandro Fresco y Flavio Etcheto (teclistas) y Pedro Moscuzza (batería).

Nicolás Bernaudo, que en su momento se sumó a esa misma gira como diseñador audiovisual, tuvo la idea de grabar a Cerati tocando con el grupo para así tener «material exclusivo» que proyectar sobre el escenario, según detalló Sony Music en un comunicado.

La dirección del videoclip, por su parte, estuvo a cargo de los realizadores Diego Panich y Mariano Lemon.

Unpublished video of Gustavo Cerati released on his 62nd birthday

The record label Sony Music Argentina published this Wednesday a video clip “unprecedented” of Gustavo Cerati, the leader of the historic rock band Soda Stereo, on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the birth of the musician, who died in 2014.

The video in question, which has almost 200 thousand reproductions in YouTube, corresponds to the song ‘I do not believe you‘and was originally filmed in 2004, with the intention of projecting it during the’ Chosen Songs’ tour, carried out that same year.

The footage shows Cerati playing in Unison, his recording studio, with his band members at the time: Fernando Nalé (bass player), Leandro Fresco Y Flavio etcheto (keyboardist) and Pedro Moscuzza (battery).

Nicolás Bernaudo, who at the time joined that same tour as an audiovisual designer, had the idea of ​​recording Cerati playing with the group in order to have “exclusive material” to project on stage, according to Sony Music in a statement.

The address of the video, meanwhile, was in charge of the filmmakers Diego Panich Y Mariano Lemon.

“I made a proposal for all the visuals of the tour and one of the ideas was to make a video with his giant face, synchronized with one of the songs. Cerati countered that I go with the entire band on the screen, so I called Panich, who was working with Lemon at the time, and between the two of them they directed the clip, ”said Bernaudo in statements collected by Sony Music.

In his official Twitter profile, Panich assured that Cerati “I wanted the audience to see on the screen the band that was on stage, dressed the same and with the same attitude.”
“Cerati was always well predisposed. It was quite fun to see him play at full speed, “said the director of the video clip in a thread explaining the details of the filming.

Gustavo Cerati, composer, guitarist and singer, died at the age of 55 on September 4, 2014, after spending four years in a coma due to a stroke he suffered after a concert in Venezuela.
With information from EFE