Estos son los mejores destinos del mundo para visitar en 2022 / The Best Destinations in the World: The Gold List 2022
Editores globales de la prestigiosa revista de viajes Condé Nast Traveler, con sede en siete ciudades de tres continentes, compartieron una lista de lugares que atesoran
Hay tres grandes listas anuales en la prestigiosa revista de viajes Condé Nast Traveler, todas las cuales han cambiado debido a los eventos de los últimos dos años: los premios “Readers’ Choice Awards”, que la audiencia selecciona; la “Hot List”, que recopila lo nuevo y destacado del año anterior; y la “Gold List”, que trata en última instancia de los lugares y experiencias que los editores llevan en sus corazones.
“Cuando decimos ‘nuestros editores’, nos referimos a todo el equipo global de CNT, que trabaja en ubicaciones desde California hasta Beijing. También hemos ampliado los parámetros de la lista para incluir no solo hoteles y cruceros, sino también los destinos que atesoramos. La ‘Gold List’ es, más que nunca, hecha por humanos para otros humanos, algo que necesitamos más que nunca en estos días. Aquí, nuestros destinos favoritos en el mundo”, aseguran los especialistas.
Puebla, México
“En Puebla, la histórica cuarta ciudad más grande de México, todos los lugares a los que desea llegar se encuentran a poca distancia dentro de su centro, en sí mismo una ordenada extensión de villas de color rosa brillante y amarillo y pequeñas plazas. Eso incluye mercados de alimentos para una cemita crujiente (un sándwich estilo escalope con todas las guarniciones); la Capilla del Rosario dorada y la famosa talavera de la ciudad, o casas de cerámica”, explican.
Antes de la pandemia, el turismo recién comenzaba a suceder aquí, y la ciudad estaba en ese punto ideal para apoyar a una nueva generación de viajeros. Aquí, sentarse en las plazas significa un asiento de primera fila para la vida cotidiana de los pobladores: vendedores de especias de pepino en rodajas con pimienta de cayena o veteranos jugando dominó. Para los editores globales de la prestigiosa revista de viajes, Puebla se siente como “un lugar especial en algún lugar a punto de ser descubierto en un país con los bolsillos ya entregados a las masas”.
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
La ciudad vibra con samba y bossa nova en vivo a todas horas del día; las bulliciosas calles, marcadas por el espectacular aumento de los monolitos de granito en un extremo y las olas del Atlántico en el otro, tienen un pulso propio. Es fácil sentir esto cuando estás en medio de una multitud de cariocas vestidos de colores.
“Es una ciudad complicada, con muchos problemas: inseguridad, corrupción, inequidad, por nombrar solo algunos, pero hay una prima en la alegría y la celebración que no está reservada para el Carnaval. Hay pocos lugares en el mundo donde sabes que no podrías estar en ningún otro lugar, y cada vez que escucho a toda la playa de Arpoador aplaudir mientras se pone el sol en verano, recuerdo que Río es uno de ellos”, advierten desde CNT.
Alentejo, Portugal
Se trata de la región más extensa de Portugal y ocupa gran parte del centro y sur del país. Tres cosas son las que caracterizan al Alentejo: sus paisajes de colinas repletas de alcornoques y olivos, sus pueblos blancos perfectamente conservados coronados por castillos medievales y su variada y rica gastronomía, mucho más allá del bacalao. “Un paraíso para los surfistas, tiene puestas de sol electrizantes, pero las aguas heladas evitan que se llene de gente”, sostienen.
Svalbard, Noruega
El archipiélago Svalbard -cuya capital, Longyearbyen, es la ciudad más septentrional del mundo- no se parece a ningún otro lugar en el que hayas estado. Por un lado, es una fantasía escandinava de la naturaleza profunda de motos de nieve, auroras boreales, esquí de travesía a lo largo de valles glaciares y boutiques sorprendentemente elegantes con bodegas apiladas. Pero también hay una extrañeza irresistible en este acuerdo internacional, donde nadie nace y nadie muere. “Tanto como un destino, es un viaje al corazón de la crisis climática, con académicos de todo el mundo que realizan investigaciones que cambian las reglas del juego aquí”, remarcan los expertos.
Goa, India
Goa es un estado en el oeste de la India con costas que se extienden a lo largo del mar Arábigo. Unas vacaciones en la playa en la India puede sonar paradójico, pero la costa de arena de Goa es perfecta para descansar junto al mar.
“El estado se extiende a ambos lados de su pasado y presente multicultural, cambiando los mercados hippies de los años 60 por boutiques hipster mientras mantiene intactas sus tradiciones indias y portuguesas del viejo mundo. Platos sencillos de pescado al curry, tías haciendo un baile improvisado con fado, veteranos peleando por su club de fútbol favorito de Goan y la frescura adecuada del pan coexisten con menús globales vanguardistas, conciertos de música alternativa y todo lo que es artesanal y artístico”, explican. Y destacan: “El océano cambia de color de una estación a otra, los atardeceres multicolores nunca se repiten”.
Bahía de Plettenberg, Sudáfrica
Plettenberg Bay es “el patio de recreo de verano de Sudáfrica”. La bohemia ciudad costera se asienta sobre una bahía protegida, donde un revoltijo de cafeterías hipster, restaurantes de mariscos y boutiques kitsch caen sobre acantilados cubiertos de fynbos, donde una gran cantidad de nuevos hoteles se sientan junto a grandes clásicos.
“A los jóvenes les gusta celebrar el final de los exámenes donde el hedonismo se extiende por la bahía, mientras que los avistamientos de delfines y ballenas llegan durante los lánguidos y cálidos meses de invierno. Aventúrese en las afueras de Plett para encontrar el lujoso Tsala Treetop Lodge, un cuidado campo de golf Gary Player, la reserva natural autóctona del río Keurbooms, el club de polo Plett en Kurland Estate y una gran cantidad de santuarios de animales para encontrarse con guepardos, elefantes y monos. Pero sobre todo, venga por las gloriosas playas doradas”, subrayan los especialistas.
Scottsdale, Arizona, Estados Unidos
“Cuando no puedo tomarme un minuto más de invierno, me dirijo a Scottsdale”, subraya la editora de la revista Rebecca Misner. Scottsdale es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Maricopa en el estado estadounidense de Arizona.
Se trata de un conocido santuario para los ricos y famosos, y alberga a más destinos de spa por persona que cualquier otra ciudad de EEUU. Uno de los festivales de arte mejor evaluados y el antiguo destino de invierno de Frank Lloyd Wright dejan entrever las proezas culturales de la ciudad.

The Best Destinations in the World: The Gold List 2022
Our global editors—based in seven cities across three continents—share their favorite places to go, spaces to stay, and cruises to take.
There are three great lists annually in Condé Nast Traveler, all of which have changed due to the events of the last two years: the Readers’ Choice Awards, which you, our beloved audience, select; the Hot List, which compiles the new and notable of the previous year; and this one, which is ultimately about the places and experiences our editors carry in their hearts. This year, when we say our editors, we mean CNT’s entire global crew, working in locations from California to Beijing; we’ve also expanded the parameters of the list to include not just the hotels and cruises you’ve seen in years past, but also the destinations we treasure. The Gold List is, more than ever, made by humans for other humans—something we need more than ever in this day and age. Here, our favorite destinations in the world.
All listings featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you book something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Puebla, Mexico
I love when I can feel familiar with a new place in 48 hours. In Puebla, Mexico’s historic, fourth-largest city, all the spots you want to hit are walking distance within its center, itself a tidy sprawl of bright pink and yellow villas and small plazas. That includes food markets for a crispy cemita (a schnitzel-style sandwich with all the fixings); the gilded Capilla del Rosario and the city’s famed talavera, or ceramic houses; I stayed for close to an hour watching the row of artisans hand-paint and hand-fire their mugs, plates, and vases at Uriarte Talavera. Before the pandemic, tourism was just starting to happen here, and the city was in that sweet spot of supporting a new breed of traveler, like with the artisanal-inspired Cartesiano hotel, but without muting any of its essence for international business. I liked that I had to use my shoddy Spanish with barkeeps and store owners. And that sitting in those plazas meant a front-row seat to daily Poblano life: vendors selling sliced cucumber spices with cayenne, old-timers playing dominos. Puebla felt like a special somewhere on the verge of discovery in a country with pockets already turned over to the masses. My guess with all that’s happened this past year is that it still does. —Erin Florio
Rio de Janeiro
If you were to hook the city of Rio de Janeiro up to a cardiogram, the needle would swing off the page. The city thrums with live samba and bossa nova at all hours of the day; the bustling streets, bookended by the dramatic rise of granite monoliths on one end and the pounding waves of the Atlantic on the other, have a pulse all their own. It’s easy to feel this when you’re amid throngs of colorfully clad cariocas—I feel it most swaying to the live music at Pedra do Sal on Monday nights, or when, perched in the leafy hilltop neighborhood of Santa Teresa, I hear people in neighborhoods below lean out their windows to cheer when Flamengo scores a goal. It’s a complicated city, with plenty of issues—insecurity, corruption, inequity, to name just a few—but there’s a premium on joy and celebration that isn’t reserved for Carnaval. There are few places in the world where you know you couldn’t possibly be anywhere else, and whenever I hear the whole of Arpoador beach break into applause as the sun sets in summer, I’m reminded that Rio is one of them. —Megan Spurrell
Alentejo, Portugal
I call the road to the sea through Portugal’s Alentejo region the place where the beatniks read Pessoa; you can imagine Kerouac breezing through its small hotels, surf camps, and villages scattered with craft shops, markets, and bohemian bars. For me it’s a place of happiness. There are boutique hotels like São Lourenço do Barrocal and Dá Licença and olive groves, cork oaks, and infinite horizons. The road ends at Vicentine Coast National Park, a wild, protected coastline in southern Europe. A paradise for surfers, it has electrifying sunsets, but the icy waters stop it from ever getting too crowded. —David Moralejo
Svalbard, Norway
Arctic Svalbard—whose capital, Longyearbyen, is the world’s northernmost town—is like nowhere else I’ve been. On the one hand, it’s a deep-nature Scandi fantasy of snowmobiles, Northern Lights, ski-touring along glacial valleys, and surprisingly smart boutiques with stacked wine cellars. But there’s also a compelling strangeness to this international settlement, where no one is born and no one dies. There are the Soviet mining towns with their Lenin busts, whether abandoned or (even weirder) still working; the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which preempts a coming apocalypse; it’s advisable to leave Longyearbyen with a shotgun, in case of polar-bear attack. As much as a destination, it’s a journey into the heart of the climate crisis, with academics from across the world doing game-changing research here. I’m itching to go again—to escape but also to think and connect, which is what happens in all the best places. —Toby Skinner
Goa, India
My first trip to Goa as a college student was wrapped in dreams of homemade chorizo and reliving moments from the cult Bollywood coming-of-age film Dil Chahta Hai. Many trips and feni cocktails later, Goa remained a respite for my city-weary bones. The state straddles its multicultural past and present, trading up ’60s hippie markets for hipster boutiques while keeping its old-world Indian and Portuguese traditions intact. Simple fish-curry plates, aunties doing an impromptu jig to fado, old-timers squabbling over their favorite Goan soccer club, and the right freshness of bread coexist with edgy global menus, alt-music gigs, and all that is artisanal and arty. The ocean changes color from one season to the next, the multi-color sunsets never repeat, and like many travelers, I continue to return and find my salve in sunshine, sea, and susegad—the quintessential Goan idea of the slow, easy, and good life. —Diya Kohl
Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Plettenberg Bay is South Africa’s summer playground, and I, a Capetonian, would drive the 186-mile coastal path along the scenic Garden Route each year to join the fun. The bohemian seaside town sits atop a sheltered bay, where a jumble of hipster coffee shops, seafood restaurants, and kitsch boutiques tumble down onto fynbos-covered cliffs—where a slew of new hotels like The Robberg Beach Lodge sit beside grandes dames like The Plettenberg Hotel. Pretty young things like to celebrate the end of matric student exams, where hedonism sweeps across the bay, while dolphin and whale watches come during the languid, warm winter months. Venture just outside Plett to find the luxury Tsala Treetop Lodge, a manicured Gary Player golf course, indigenous Keurbooms River Nature Reserve, the Plett Polo Club on the Kurland Estate, and a host of animal sanctuaries to meet cheetahs, elephants, and monkeys. But above all, come for the glorious golden beaches. Central Beach—dotted with bars—surfy Lookout Beach, and the eerie, mist-covered sands of Robberg Nature Reserve. Search hard enough and you might stumble on a sand dollar—the symbol of Plettenberg Bay, thought to bring eternal luck. —Isabella Sullivan

When I can’t take another minute of winter, I head to Scottsdale. As, historically, do the day-drinking spring breakers and the far less rowdy snowbirds. Recently, though, the Valley of the Sun has come into its own, claiming its stunning desert setting and Southwest culture in new ways. If I’m bringing the kids, the 1929 Frank Lloyd Wright–designed grande dame The Arizona Biltmore, A Waldorf Astoria Resort (on the border of Scottsdale and Phoenix), is my place. It has sprawling grounds and seven pools, one with a legitimate waterslide, and just underwent a much-needed facelift. Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort, terraced into the side of its namesake adobe-hued mountain, has my favorite spa in town. Its adults-only pool on weekends and easy access to sunrise hiking give me plenty of excuses to leave the kids at home. Solo or with family, I can always bank on sunshine, a great exhibit at Phoenix’s nearby Desert Botanical Garden, and excellent Sonoran-style Mexican food. —Rebecca Misner
Val Graziosa, Italy
I am a frequent traveler to Val Graziosa, a valley near the Pisan mountains and a part of Tuscany relatively unknown and terribly beautiful. Here there is Monte Pisano—“che i Pisan veder Lucca non ponno,” the poet Dante said, a small group of mountains that hides Lucca from Pisa and makes it impossible for the Pisan locals to see the city of Lucca. There are olive trees everywhere, producing the best olive oil on Earth in a splendid countryside. I love to walk around the surroundings of Montemagno—please read the book Maledetti Toscani, by Curzio Malaparte, and you will understand a lot about Italians from this region. I love to go to the grocery store in Patrizia for a glass of wine (the one and only épicerie of the village) and then to Certosa di Calci, a 14th-century monastery, and one of the many secret beauties in my crazy country of Italy. —Maddalena Fosat
Chiang Mai, Thailand
When I first went to Chiang Mai, I intended to stay a couple of nights and ended up staying more than a week; for me, that trip is a reminder of travel at its most impulsive and impetuous: the freedom to move on when you feel like it. There’s no beach pressure here, and inland Thailand always feels more interesting than the obvious hits of the beachfront. And, away from the beaches, there’s the sense of a modern Thai city where young creatives are carving out a contemporary aesthetic, with the energy that a large student population gives a city. —Rick Jordan
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