Grandes Ligas cancelaron la primera semana de juegos de pretemporada/ MLB cancels the first week of the 2022 preseason and the tension increases
En medio de sus espinosas negociaciones con el sindicato de jugadores, las Grandes Ligas de béisbol (MLB) anunciaron el viernes la cancelación de la primera semana de juegos de pretemporada de 2022.
En un comunicado, la MLB señaló que estos partidos, programados para celebrarse desde el 26 de febrero en los estados de Arizona y Florida, no comenzarán antes del 5 de marzo.
La decisión se produjo dos días después de la fecha prevista para el arranque de los campos de entrenamiento, que siguen cerrados a falta de un acuerdo entre peloteros y propietarios para el nuevo contrato colectivo de trabajo.
“Lamentamos que, sin un acuerdo de negociación colectiva en vigor, debemos posponer el inicio de los juegos de entrenamiento de primavera hasta no antes del sábado 5 de marzo”, dijo la MLB.
“Los 30 equipos están unificados en su fuerte deseo de devolver a los jugadores al campo y a los aficionados a las gradas”, subrayó. “Estamos comprometidos a alcanzar un acuerdo que sea justo para cada parte”.
La MLb se volverá a sentar el lunes en la mesa de negociaciones para discutir la última propuesta de la Asociación de Jugadores.
Las Grandes Ligas han fijado como fecha límite el 28 de febrero para llegar a un acuerdo que garantice que la temporada regular de 2022 comience el 31 de marzo como estaba previsto.
El comisionado Rob Manfred dijo la semana pasada que cualquier partido perdido sería un “resultado desastroso” de esta disputa. /AFP
MLB cancels the first week of the 2022 preseason and the tension increases
There is no deal between the players and the league…still
The MLB canceled the first week of preseason games until March 4.
For the first time, the league admitted the suspension of the preseason games comes from the lack of progress during the negotiations with their players.
The announcement was released after the 79th day of tensions between the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) and Major League Baseball.
People in charge of economic negotiations will restart on Monday. The MLB mentioned the teams’ negotiators committee will assist the seventh session since the strike began (December 2).
According to MLB information, spring camp beginning dates were this week. Meanwhile, exhibition games were supposed to begin on February 26.
“We are committed to reaching an agreement that is fair to each side,” Major League Baseball said in a statement. “On Monday, members of the owners’ bargaining committee will join an in-person meeting with the Players Association and remain every day next week to negotiate and work hard towards starting the season on time.”
“All 30 clubs are unified in their strong desire to bring players back to the field and fans back to the stands. The Clubs have adopted a uniform policy that provides an option for full refunds for fans who have purchased tickets from the Clubs to any Spring Training games that are not taking place.”
The MLB communicated to the Major League Baseball Players Association that February 28 is the last day to reach an agreement and begin the season in shape and form to respect the calendar.