Enfrentamiento entre aficionados en México deja decenas de heridos /Two dead and 22 injured during violent clashes between rival ultras at Mexican soccer match after fight broke out in stands
La Coordinación de Protección Civil del Estado de Querétaro en México, informó que al menos 22 personas han resultado heridas como consecuencia de los enfrentamientos registrados entre las aficiones del Querétaro y el Atlas, que este sábado disputaron un partido en el Estadio Corregidora.
“La CEPC informa que hasta el momento no se tiene reporte de personas fallecidas”, agrega el texto. Además, señala que nueve de los lesionados tuvieron que ser trasladados al Hospital General de Querétaro, incluidos dos de gravedad.
El organismo indica que todos los implicados son hombres, detallando que se ha podido confirmar que cuatro de ellos son de Jalisco, estado mexicano de donde proviene el Atlas Fútbol Club.
Por el momento, no está claro el motivo por el que, alrededor del minuto 60, se desencadenó el enfrentamiento entre los hinchas de ambos equipos, que disputaban un partido de la jornada número 9 de la Primera División de México.
Los demás espectadores corrieron en todas direcciones tratando de abandonar el estadio, tanto por las graderías como por el túnel de vestidores.
El partido fue cancelado por el árbitro al entrar gente en el campo a raíz de la trifulca.
Por su parte, el Querétaro Fútbol Club, condenó mediante un comunicado “los hechos sucedidos”. “Estamos en plena comunicación y coordinación con las autoridades para que se actúe enérgicamente en contra de cualquier responsable”, añade.
Asimismo, el Atlas Fútbol Club aseguró que lamenta y reprueba los eventos ocurridos durante el encuentro, por lo que solicitan a los organismos pertinentes abrir una investigación y “llegar hasta las últimas consecuencias”.
Two dead and 22 injured during violent clashes between rival ultras at Mexican soccer match after fight broke out in stands
- At least 22 people were injured, including two critically, on Saturday when fans brawled during a soccer game in central Mexico
- The match between the host Queretaro and Atlas from Guadalajara —the reigning league champion — was suspended in the 62nd minute
- Multiple fights broke out in the stands while graphic videos and photos circulated on social networks showing apparent fans motionless on the ground
- Pictures and videos shared on social media showed people being beaten, kicked and dragged while others had been left lying on the ground, covered in blood
- One unofficial report suggested that 17 people had been killed and 44 wounded
A Mexican soccer game descended into mayhem as violent clashes broke out between fans of opposing sides, leaving at least two people dead.
The match, being held at a stadium in the city of Querétaro, northwest of Mexico City, was called off just after the second half had got underway following an hour of gameplay between Queretaro and Atlas, with the visitors holding a 1-0 lead.
Fans of the hated rivals were caught on camera attacking one another, including throwing chairs and hurling metal trash cans. Authorities say at least 22 people were injured, two of them critically.

Initial reports painted an even more dire casualty count, claiming that up to 17 people dead and 44 injured.
Graphic videos and photos circulated on social networks showed apparent fans motionless on the ground, in some cases stripped naked and covered with blood.
As the fighting broke out in the stands, panicked spectators could be seen running onto the field, at which point the match was suspended.
Players from visiting Atlas quickly fled to the locker rooms as did some from the Queretaro side.
Other Queretaro players, including Uruguayan goalie Washington Aguerre, stayed near the bench trying to calm the fans.
After several minutes some of the fights moved to the field where they continued punching and kicking. Some people were armed with chairs and metal bars.