
La importancia del sueño seguro para los bebés / The importance of safe sleep for infants

TULSA, OK – A la luz de que se ha vuelto a anunciar el llamado de retirada de productos para los cochecitos de dormir inclinados, el Departamento de Salud de Tulsa alienta a los padre y cuidadores a revisar el ambiente para dormir de los infantes, para asegurar que los bebés estén durmiendo de forma segura en el condado de Tulsa. 

“Es importante que cualquier persona al cuidado de un infante sepa que todos los modelos para mecer a los bebés son parte de la retirada de productos,” mencionó Ashley Cabrera, especialista en desarrollo de sistemas de la comunidad. “Trágicamente, se han producido aproximadamente 100 muertes mientras los bebés están en estos productos. Por favor, ayúdenos a correr la voz a amigos, familiares y vecinos para que suspendan el uso de estos productos para que podamos evitar que esta tragedia vuelva a ocurrir”. 

El programa de Alcance Materno-Infantil del Departamento de Salud de Tulsa (Maternal Child Outreach) educa fuertemente sobre la conciencia del Síndrome de Muerte Súbita del lactante Infantil (SMSL o SIDS, por sus siglas en inglés), al reunirse cara a cara con los clientes para enfatizar que el sueño seguro es parte importante de mantener a los infantes saludables. 

Las familias y cuidadores pueden ayudar a reducir el riesgo de SMSL del bebé y otras muertes relacionadas al sueño siguiendo los siguientes consejos: 

  • Ponga a dormir al bebé sobre su espalda siempre que duerma – siestas y durante la noche. 
  • Use una superficie firme para dormir, como un colchón en una cama, cubierto por una sábana ajustable. 
  • Comparta la habitación con el bebé, pero no la cama. El bebé no debe dormir en camas de adulto, camas plegables, colchones de aire, sillones o sillas, ni solo ni acompañado. 
  • Mantenga los accesorios de cama como sábanas, almohadas, protectores de cuna, y juguetes suaves, lejos del área de dormir del bebé. 
  • No cubra la cabeza del bebé ni permita que el bebé se caliente de más. Conozca las señales de que el bebé puede estar calentándose demasiado, incluso si está sudando o si su pecho se siente caliente. 
  • No fume ni permita que nadie fume cerca del bebé.  

The importance of safe sleep for infants

TULSA, OK – In light of recently re-announced product recalls for inclined sleepers, the Tulsa Health Departments encourages parents and caregivers to review sleep environments for infants to ensure the safety of babies in Tulsa County.

“It’s important that everyone responsible for caring for an infant is aware that all models of Rock ‘n Play sleepers have been recalled,” said Ashlee Cabrera, community system development specialist. “Tragically, approximately 100 deaths have reportedly occurred while infants were in these products. Please help spread the word to friends, family and neighbors to discontinue the use of these sleepers so we can prevent this tragedy from occurring again.”

The Tulsa Health Department’s Maternal Child Outreach program heavily educates on SIDS awareness when meeting one-on-one with clients to emphasize that safe sleep is an important part of keeping infants healthy.

“We know that getting your baby to sleep is one of the hardest challenges that new parents face, and we want babies to sleep as safely as possible,” said Ashlee Cabrera, community system development specialist. “We’re here to support these parents through coaching and education on prevention strategies.  We also have Spanish-speaking services available.”

Families and caregivers can help reduce a baby’s risk of SIDS and other sleep-related deaths by doing the following:

  • Place baby on his or her back for all sleep times – naps and at night.
  • Use a firm, flat sleep surface, such as a mattress in a crib, covered by a fitted sheet.
  • Have the baby share your room but not your bed. The baby should not sleep on an adult bed, cot, air mattress, or couch, or on a chair alone, with anyone.
  • Keep soft bedding such as blankets, pillows, bumper pads, and soft toys out of baby’s sleep area.
  • Do not cover baby’s head or allow baby to get too hot. Know the signs the baby may be getting too hot include if he or she is sweating or if his or her chest feels hot.
  • Do not smoke or allow anyone to smoke around the baby.

Additionally, Congress passed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act earlier this year, which bans the sale of crib bumpers and inclined sleepers.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission received reports of 1,108 incidents, including 73 infant deaths, related to infant inclined sleep products that occurred from January 2005 through June 2019.

The Act was passed on May 16, 2022, and most stores have already pulled them, but after November 12, 2022 they will officially be considered a banned hazardous product and stores will be out of compliance if they have inclined sleepers or crib bumpers on the shelves.

This law bans the manufacturing and sale of new products, but secondhand and hand-me-down products may still be in circulation.