
Mujer guatemalteca muerta en accidente automovilístico en OKC / Guatemalan woman killed in OKC car crash

OKLAHOMA CITY — Una familia hispana de Oklahoma City está buscando respuestas luego de la trágica muerte de Mayra Letona que murió en un accidente automovilístico cuando otro conductor le impactó. Mayra estaba viajando con su esposo e hijo de siete años cuando sucedió el accidente cerca de su casa. Se ha creado una campaña de recaudación de fondos para poder repatriar a Mayra a su país natal, Guatemala. Mayra se acababa de mudar a Oklahoma de Guatemala hace cinco años en búsqueda de una mejor vida para su familia.

“Estamos pidiendo apoyo para el funeral y el traslado de Mayra Letona a Guatemala, Que el dia 07/22/2023 murió a causa de un accidente donde viajaba junto con su esposo e hijo”, La organizadora del GoFundMe dice. “Mayra era una hija, amiga, mamá y ser humano maravilloso, que nos arrebataron, te agradecemos mucho tu aportación ya que así su familia y seres queridos solo se enfocará en el dolor tan inmenso que dejo.”

Para ver el GoFundMe por favor visite: https://gf.me/v/c/3t5h/mayras-family-return-her-body-to-guatemala.

Guatemalan woman killed in OKC car crash

OKLAHOMA CITY — A Hispanic family in Oklahoma City is looking for answers after the tragic death of Mayra Letona, who was killed in a car accident when another driver struck her. Mayra was traveling with her husband and her seven-year-old son when the accident happened near her home. A fundraising campaign has been created to repatriate Mayra to her native Guatemala. Mayra had just moved to Oklahoma from Guatemala five years ago in search of a better life for her family.

“We are asking for support for the funeral and the transfer of Mayra Letona to Guatemala, who died on 07/22/2023 due to an accident where she was traveling with her husband and son,” The GoFundMe organizer said. “Mayra was a daughter, friend, mother and wonderful human being, who was taken from us, we thank you very much for your contribution since this way her family and loved ones will only focus on the immense pain that she left behind.”

To view the GoFundMe please visit: https://gf.me/v/c/3t5h/mayras-family-return-her-body-to-guatemala.