
Aumentó a 96 el número de muertos en Hawái / Maui fire: 96 killed as governor warns of ‘significant’ death toll rise

EFE – El jefe del Departamento de Policía de Maui, John Pelletier, afirmó el sábado que el proceso de búsqueda, recuperación e identificación aún se encuentra en su etapa inicial

Ya son 96 las personas muertas en los incendios que devastaron la isla de Maui (Hawái, EE UU) durante la última semana, en el que se ha convertido en el fuego más dramático por el número de víctimas en Estados Unidos en el último siglo, y la prioridad se centra en seguir buscando a los cientos de desaparecidos.

Según las cifras publicadas este lunes por las autoridades locales, en las últimas horas fueron encontrados tres cuerpos más, lo que eleva el número de fallecidos a 96, aunque se teme que lo peor esté por llegar, porque se espera que los equipos de búsqueda, ayudados por perros especialistas, hallen muchos más cadáveres entre las ruinas carbonizadas de la histórica ciudad turística de Lahaina.

Hay cientos de desaparecidos todavía, si bien en muchas zonas no hay electricidad ni cobertura de móvil para contactar con ellos, y sus familiares y amigos se movilizaron en las redes sociales pidiendo ayuda para encontrarlos.

De hecho, el jefe del Departamento de Policía de Maui, John Pelletier, afirmó en una rueda de prensa el sábado que el proceso de búsqueda, recuperación e identificación aún se encuentra en su etapa inicial, por lo que el número de muertos aumentará y no está claro dónde terminará.

«Ninguno de nosotros sabe realmente su tamaño todavía», dijo Pelletier, quien recordó que la mayor devastación se encuentra en el oeste de la isla hawaiana, donde ciudades como Lahaina quedaron destruidas casi en su totalidad.

Aunque las autoridades están siendo precavidas a la hora de dar una cifra, el propio Pelletier estimó el pasado jueves en unas 1.000 personas el número de desaparecidos, personas que hasta el momento no habían sido localizadas por sus familiares, una cifra que no ha vuelto a actualizar.

Pelletier reconoció que hasta este sábado solo se ha podido inspeccionar 3% del área afectada: «Vamos lo más rápido que podemos, pero solo se ha podido llegar a 3%, eso es lo que se ha buscado con los perros».

De acuerdo con las autoridades locales, desde hoy lunes, y para agilizar los viajes al oeste de Maui, comenzará a funcionar un sistema que utiliza carteles de acceso para garantizar una gestión eficiente del tráfico y priorizar la seguridad de todos los usuarios de la carretera.

Así, se emitirán carteles según las siguientes categorías: residentes del oeste de Maui, personal del centro turístico de West Maui, personal de primeros auxilios, personal médico, personal de servicios públicos, personal del condado, personal de transporte de suministros y voluntarios.

Hay áreas de Lahaina y Upper Kula en los que no se puede beber el agua corriente (ni siquiera después de hervida) y se recomienda usar agua embotellada para beber, cepillarse los dientes, hacer hielo y preparar alimentos hasta nuevo aviso.

Para facilitar esa situación se han habilitado varios puntos de suministro de agua potable, lo mismo que para alimentos y otras necesidades, y también siguen abiertos los refugios de emergencia.

Maui fire: 96 killed as governor warns of ‘significant’ death toll rise

By Max Matza, Holly Honderich & Kathryn Armstrong – Six people are known to have died in wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui, with officials warning that figure is likely to rise.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green said more than 2,700 buildings had been destroyed in the historic town of Lahaina.

Hundreds of people are still missing and search teams have only covered 3% of the affected area.

“None of us really understand the size of this yet,” a visibly emotional Maui Police Chief John Pelletier said.

The local authorities are focusing their efforts on combing through what is left of the coastal area of the island, as work continues to identify victims.

The fires that started on Tuesday would “certainly be the worst natural disaster that Hawaii ever faced”, Mr Green warned, adding that the death toll would likely rise “significantly”.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if early warning systems were used or if they malfunctioned, with many people telling the BBC they were not forewarned about the fires.

The state’s attorney general is conducting a “comprehensive review” into how the authorities responded.

Representative Jill Tokuda of Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district told the BBC World Service’s Newshour programme on Sunday that “serious questions” needed to be addressed.

“There’s every justification for everyone to feel angry in this particular situation, and we all want answers,” Ms Tokuda said.

She also described her visit to Lahaina over the weekend as “heart-breaking”, saying that “so many of our families and friends lost everything”.

The fires were fuelled by a dry summer and strong winds from a passing hurricane.

Mr Green said gusts from that storm reached speeds of as high as 81mph (130km/h), fanning the flames to travel at one mile per minute and giving people little time to escape.

While the fires are now largely under control, efforts to fully extinguish them are continuing in parts of the island.

Jeremy Greenberg, a senior official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), told the BBC that extra support was being sent included urban search and rescue, and fire suppression teams.

“The absolute number one priority is survivor safety,” he said. 

Mr Greenberg added that while close to 1,000 people were yet to be contacted, some of these may be safe but out of reach for a number of reasons. 

In the emergency shelter at Maui’s War Memorial Complex, hundreds of evacuees continued to gather over the weekend, receiving food, toiletries and medical aid from a still-growing number of volunteers. 

Large whiteboards noted the most pressing needs – batteries, water, and generators – and an all-caps note that no more clothing was needed. 

Keapo Bissen, a member of the War Memorial shelter team, said the list of the missing was fluctuating hour to hour as more people reported absent loved ones, and others were found. 

“We’ve had a lot of great reunions happen in this parking lot,” she said. “That’s really been the bright side in all of this.” 

map of fire damage on Maui

Felicia Johnson, who owns a printing business in the city of Kahului, Maui, is organising a massive grassroots response to the disaster.

Her family is from the Lahaina area. She has amassed hundreds of pounds of donated supplies to bring in, but has been unable to shuttle them through the government checkpoint.

She said that pleading with authorities to let her enter with her donated goods was the hardest part for her emotionally – not the devastation she witnessed while dropping off supplies.”That’s the part that I’m so wrecked on, is I got to keep begging you to come in to feed people,” Ms Johnson said.

She added that many of the docks in the area are too badly damaged or destroyed to bring in supplies by boat. Some people that have made the journey have swum the supplies to the shore.

Some of the young men helping her load supplies blame government mismanagement and bureaucracy.

“Too many chiefs, not enough warriors,” said Bradah Young, 25.

“Everybody is in charge but nobody is moving,” said another man.

As they departed in hope of being allowed through the checkpoint, one man threw up a shaka, a traditional hand greeting in Hawaii.
