
Festival de Cine de Lima premió a la mexicana «Tótem» como mejor película 

LIMA.- El Festival de Cine de Lima premió a la cinta mexicana «Tótem«, de la directora Lila Avilés,como mejor película del jurado, mientras que el director de la cinta argentina «Los delincuentes«, Rodrigo Moreno, recibió el premio a la mejor dirección, según informaron este sábado los organizadores al término del encuentro.

Durante nueve días, el Festival de Cine de Lima, en su edición 27, proyectó más de 100 largometrajes, mediometrajes y cortometrajes de distintos países y hubo más de 70 encuentros con cineastas invitados organizados por el Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

En su día de cierre, el jurado formado por María Carlota Bruno, Iván Fund, Melania Urbina, Fernanda Valadez y Claudio Pereira entregaron los premios de la competencia de ficción, siendo la mexicana «Tótem» la ganadora del premio otorgado por la Fundación BBVA de 5.000 dólares.

Por su parte, la película peruana «Historias de shipibos» del director Omar Forero obtuvo una mención honrosa del jurado y la cinta argentina «Eureka» del director Lisandro Alonso recibió el Premio Especial del jurado.

La chilena Antonia Zegers se alzó con el galardón a la mejor actriz por su participación en la película chilena «El castigo» del director Matías Bize, mientras que el argentino Marcelo Subiotto ganó el premio a mejor actor por la película argentina «La barbarie» del director Andrew Sala.

A su vez, Felipe Gálvez y Antonia Girardi obtuvieron el premio al mejor guión por la película chilena «Los colonos» dirigida por Gálvez.


27th Lima Film Festival: Winners List

He 27th Lima Film Festival organized by the Cultural Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú ended on Friday, August 18, thus allowing the new winners of the different categories of the contest to be known.

After eight days of screenings, talks, master classes, conversations with filmmakers, and workshops, the organization chaired by María Carlota Bruno announced the projects that won in their categories, here is the complete list.

Prize in the Fiction Competition category
The jury of the twenty-seventh edition of the festival, made up of Iván Fund, Fernanda Valadez, Claudio Pereira and Melania Urbina, awarded these projects in the Fiction Competition category.

Jury Prize for Best Film: Totem directed by Lila Avilés (Mexico). The filmmaker won the US$5,000 prize awarded by the BBVA Foundation.
Honorable Mention of the Fiction Jury: Shipibo stories by filmmaker Omar Forero (Peru).
Special Jury Prize: eureka by Lisandro Alonso (Argentina)
Jury Award for Best Direction: The criminals from the Argentine Rodrigo Moreno.
Jury Award for Best Actress: Awarded by Inter Artis Peru to Antonia Zegers, for her participation in The penalty by Matías Bize (Chile)
Jury Award for Best Actor Awarded by Inter Artis Peru to Marcelo Subiotto, who acted in barbarism by Andrew Sala (Argentina)
Jury Award for Best Screenplay: Felipe Gálvez and Antonia Girardi, writers of settlers directed by Felipe Gálvez.
Jury Prize for Best First Feature: This award went to I have electric dreams by Valentina Maurel (Costa Rica)

Awards in the category of Fictional Photography
The jury Sergio Armstrong and Mustapha Barat revealed these winners.

Jury Prize for Best Photography: Awarded by the Association of Authors of Peruvian Cinematographic Photography DFP to Diego Tenorio for the film Totem directed by Lila Avilés (Mexico)
Honorable Mention for Best Photography: This distinction was taken by Andrés Felipe Morales de Memento Mori Directed by Fernando López Cardona (Colombia).
Awards in the Documentary category
The jury made up of Tito Catacora and Inti Cordera, gave the following list of winners:

Jury Award for Best Documentary: Granted by EGEDA (US$ 5,000) to ghost portraits by filmmaker Kleber Mendonça Filho (Brazil)
Special Mention for Best Documentary: Received this distinction the trial of the director Ulises de la Orden (Argentina).
International Critics Jury Awards
Denise Tavares, Diego Brodersen and Leny Fernández, gave the following list of winners:

International Critics Jury Award for Best Film: Granted by the BBVA Foundation (US$2,500) to The criminals by director Rodrigo Moreno (Argentina)
First Honorable Mention for Best Film by International Critics: The award went to eureka by Lisandro Alonso (Argentina)
Second Honorable Mention for Best Film by International Critics: The award went to Shipibo stories by Omar Forero (Peru).
Audience Award
The audience for the best film voted in the Fiction, Documentary and Made in Peru section and awarded by EGEDA (US$ 2,500) went to deep redfrom Maga Zevallos (Peru).

PUCP Community Award
The PUCP Community Award Jury of the 27th PUCP Lima Film Festival distinguished these audiovisual projects.
Award for the Best Film Made in Peru: Awarded the award to Iceland by Ina Mayushin (Peru).
Honorable Mention for Best Film Made in Peru: Again deep red de Maga Zevallos (Peru) took the recognition.

Ministry of Culture Award
The Jury of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture of the 27 PUCP Lima Film Festival, made up of Alberto Castro, Juan Carlos Oganes Oblitas and Tania Medina Caro, gave the following list of winners:

Award for Best Peruvian Film: Awarded by EGEDA PERU (US$1,000.00) to the film Open sky by Felipe Esparza (Peru).
First Honorable Mention for Best Peruvian Film: Yana Wara of the late director Oscar Catacora and his brother Tito Catacora (Peru).
Second Honorable Mention for Best Peruvian Film: Again, deep red de Maga Zevallos took the prize (Peru).
Cinetrab International Labor Organization Award
The Decent Work Awards Jury of the 27th PUCP Lima Film Festival, made up of Manuel Siles (president), Carmen Esther Benitez Gambirazio and Luis González Gómez de Aranda, gave the following list of winners:

Decent Work Awards:

He Award for Best Fiction in memory of Javier Neves Mujica to films that encourage, promote and disseminate the notion of decent work. (US$2,500) went to Open sky by Felipe Esparza (Peru)
The distinction of Best Documentary in memory of Julio Gamero Requena to films that encourage, promote and disseminate the notion of decent work. (US$2,500) went to the echo by Tatiana Huezo (Mexico)
Awards of the Peruvian Association of the Cinematographic Press (Apreci)
The jury of the Peruvian Association of the Cinematographic Press of the 27 PUCP Lima Film Festival, made up of Alejandra Bernedo (president), Omar Cáceres and Dixia Morales, gave the following list of winners:

Award for Best Film in Fiction Competition for settlers by director Felipe Gálvez (Chile)
Honorable Mention for The criminals by Rodrigo Moreno (Argentina)
Monsignor Luciano Metzinger Association of Communicators Award
The jury of the association made up of Marjorie Reffray Vilchez (president), Javier Portocarrero Grados and José Antonio Ulloa Cueva, gave the following list of winners:

APC Signis Peru Award – Association of Communicators Monsignor Luciano Metzinger: The distinction went to Crowrã by João Salaviza and Renée Nader (Brazil)
Chronicles of Diversity Awards
The integrated jury Gia Lujuria (president), Ana Karina Barandiarán and Álvaro Costa, gave the following list of winners:

Gio Awards 2023 for Best LGBTIQ-Themed Film+, in tribute to the activist Gio Infante, who died in January 2020: It was for Transfarian by Joris Lachaise (Colombia).
Awards of the School of Creativity and Arts – ECRAN
The jury made up of Gonzalo Otero, Gisella Ramírez and Daniel Vega, gave the following list of winners:

ECRAN Award for new directors, for the best director of a debut feature or second feature film in the Fiction Competition: Valentina Maurel took it away | for his movie I have electric dreams (Costa Rica)
Award of the Association of Film Directors of Peru Nuna
The integrated jury Rocío Lladó, Marité Ugás and Joanna Lombardi, gave the following list of winners:

NUNA Award for Best Latin American Director in competition: The distinction went to I have electric dreams by Valentina Maurel (Costa Rica)
Short Film Award 15
The Jury of the 15 Filmocorto gave the following list of winners:

Jury Honorable Mention: the hollows of the moon by filmmaker Paula D’Angelo Schmid
Special Jury Prize: Alone by Seneca Davalos
Audience Choice Award: the last carriage by Pablo Malek
Jury Award for Best Short Film: the voice of the flee by Rita Sánchez, Joaquina Izaguirre and Mara Corrales.