
Netflix estrenará en noviembre documental sobre el exportero colombiano René Higuita

René Higuita recalls his madness and exploits in a Netflix documentary: details


Netflix estrenará el 2 de noviembre un documental sobre el exportero colombiano René Higuita, que recopila historias “sobre la vida y carrera del hombre catalogado a nivel internacional como el arquero que cambió la historia del fútbol” de su país.

“Hacer este documental fue una experiencia llena de sentimientos encontrados, reviví situaciones llenas de alegría y de profunda tristeza, pero al final quedé muy feliz con el resultado”, afirmó Higuita, citado en un comunicado de Netflix enviado este jueves.

Agregó: “Decidí hacerlo porque sentí que era una linda oportunidad para que todas las personas conozcan la verdad de mi historia y se deje de especular sobre situaciones que nunca se han contado. Por primera vez se van a encontrar con mi verdad, con el verdadero René Higuita, no el futbolista sino el ser humano”.

El documental se llama “Higuita: El camino del escorpión” y fue producido, escrito y dirigido por el estadounidense-uruguayo Luis Ara, quien entrevistó, entre otros, aL exfutbolista Carlos ‘el Pibe’ Valderrama, y a Hernán Darío Gómez y Francisco Maturana, quienes dirigieron a Higuita.

Higuita es reconocido por su icónica jugada ‘el Escorpión’ que la hizo en 1995 durante un partido amistoso en el estadio Wembley de Londres entre Colombia y la selección de Inglaterra.

La atajada quedó para la historia tras un disparo del jugador inglés Jamie Redknapp desde el costado derecho de la cancha que el exportero de equipos como Millonarios, Atlético Nacional y Real Valladolid rechazó lanzando su cuerpo hacia adelante y rematando la pelota con sus talones. Tras la jugada, diferentes porteros han intentado imitar la atajada del colombiano. 


René Higuita recalls his madness and exploits in a Netflix documentary: details

by admin_l6ma5gus – The production reviews the best sporting moments

Netflix will release a documentary about the Colombian former goalkeeper on November 2 Rene Higuita which compiles stories “about the life and career of the man classified internationally as the goalkeeper who changed the history of football” in his country.

The Scorpion
“Making this documentary was an experience full of mixed feelings, I relived situations full of joy and deep sadness, but in the end I was very happy with the result,” said Higuita, quoted in a statement from Netflix Sent this Thursday.

He added: “I decided to do it because I felt it was a nice opportunity for all people to know the truth of my story and to stop speculating about situations that have never been told. For the first time they are going to encounter my truth, the true “René Higuita, not the footballer but the human being.”

The documentary is called “Higuita: The Path of the Scorpion” and was produced, written and directed by the American-Uruguayan Luis Ara, who interviewed, among others, the former soccer player Carlos ‘el Pibe’ Valderrama, and Hernán Darío Gómez and Francisco Maturana, who directed Higuita.

The film “will also allow us to remember those events that changed the life of the acclaimed footballer, some of the enigmas of his personality and his problems with justice that will be told by himself and by those who lived it with him,” the promoters added.

Higuita is recognized for his iconic play ‘the Scorpion’ who made it in 1995 during a friendly match at London’s Wembley Stadium between Colombia and the England team.

The save went down in history after a shot by English player Jamie Redknapp from the right side of the field that the former goalkeeper of teams like Millonarios, Atlético Nacional and Real Valladolid rejected by throwing his body forward and finishing the ball with his heels. After the play, different goalkeepers tried to imitate the Colombian’s save.