
”Paw Patrol: La Súper Película” se estrenó en cine – VIDEO


Cuando un meteorito mágico cae en Adventure City, les da superpoderes a los cachorros de laPatrulla Canina, transformándolos en los poderosos cachorros. 

Para Skye, la miembro más pequeña del equipo, los nuevos poderes son un sueño hecho realidad. Pero las cosas empeoran cuando el archirrival de los cachorros, el alcalde Humdinger, escapa de la cárcel y se asocia con Victoria Vance, una científica loca obsesionada con los meteoritos para robar los superpoderes de los cachorros y convertirse en supervillanos. Con el destino de Adventure City en juego, The Mighty Pups deben detener a Humdinger y Vance antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

”Paw Patrol: La Súper Película” trae a los cachorros favoritos de todos de regreso a los cines de todo el país con nuevos y más poderosos súper trajes, vehículos y divertidas aventuras. La nueva película lleva todo lo que el público amó de la serie y el debut teatral a un nuevo nivel, presentando nuevos personajes y aventuras.


MOVIE NEWS – Small, medium and large, but extremely furry audiences flocked to a movie screening in Los Angeles, along with their owners. There are 219 dogs who all watched the production entitled Paw Patrol: The superfilm before the premiere.

With this, an event took place that managed to set a Guinness World Record in the category of “film screening attended by the most dogs”. The previous record was 199 dogs exactly one year ago. The event was not only for the promotion of the film: in addition to the Paramount studio, which produces and distributes the cinema, the other organizer was an animal protection organization, the Best Friends Animal Society, they hope that the new record can make many people want to add a man’s best friend to their family . The third sponsor, Street Food Cinema, provided snacks for the enthusiastic audience, since not only people like to munch while watching a movie.

Paw Patrol: The Super Movie is the second cinematic adventure of the animated canine heroes of the TV series, who this time save the world as superheroes.

The paw franchise is so strong that at the same time as the release of the second movie, Paramount and the owner of the original animated series, Nickelodeon, announced that the third movie will be released in 2026 , whose preparations are in an advanced state.

(By the way, on the occasion of last year’s EBS record, the heart-warming family film entitled A Dog Returns was shown in a drive-in cinema along Route 66, to draw attention to the small businesses lining the almost 4,000-kilometer route, which are now struggling to survive.)