
Documentos asociados a Epstein revelarán nombres conocidos y alguna incógnita

La jueza Loretta Preska, del tribunal federal para el Distrito sur de Nueva York, ordenó que a partir del primero de enero se hicieran públicos los documentos hasta ahora sellados de un caso civil contra Epstein en el que se ocultaba la identidad de unas 190 personas mencionadas, y que pueden trascender en cualquier momento.

El financiero se suicidó en 2019 en una prisión federal en Nueva York, donde esperaba el juicio por presuntamente crear una red de tráfico sexual de menores en sus mansiones en la Gran Manzana y Florida. Las chicas más jóvenes tenían 14 años, según la Fiscalía.

Los documentos que se publicarán forman parte de una demanda por difamación presentada en 2015 por Virginia Giuffre, una de las principales denunciantes de Epstein, contra la examante y socia de este, la heredera británica Ghislaine Maxwell. El caso se cerró con un acuerdo extrajudicial en 2017.

Se espera con mayor expectación que se cite a personas asociadas a Epstein y Maxwell -especialmente hombres- como amigos, presuntos colaboradores o ayudantes de sus delitos, testigos y antiguos trabajadores, según el medio ABC News.

No obstante, los documentos incluyen también nombres de víctimas de abusos sexuales de Epstein, que solían ser mujeres muy jóvenes. La identidad de quienes eran menores de edad o no han hecho declaraciones públicas permanecerá oculta.

Asimismo, hay nombres que solo aparecen en listas de testigos potenciales o en propuestas de búsqueda para documentos electrónicos, agrega la cadena.

Muchos nombres ya son conocidos, puesto que fueron identificados durante el juicio de 2021 contra Maxwell, condenada a 20 años de prisión por ayudar al financiero a abusar sexualmente de menores; o bien han dado entrevistas o han sido objeto de denuncia.

Se sabe que constará el del príncipe Andrés, a quien Giuffre demandó por abuso sexual y con quien alcanzó un acuerdo extrajudicial, y también el expresidente Clinton (1993-2001), identificado por ABC News como ´John Doe 36´, a quien Giuffre intentó infructuosamente citar a declarar.

Clinton, sobre el que no pende ninguna acusación, consta en las listas de pasajeros de los vuelos de Epstein a diferentes países, pero no está clara su posible presencia en una de las islas del financiero, algo que asegura Giuffre pero él niega.

Entre las incógnitas está ´Jane Doe 162´, una mujer que testificó haber estado con el príncipe Andrés, Maxwell y Giuffre en la mansión del financiero en Nueva York, señala el mismo medio.

Cabe recordar que Epstein, incluso tras su condena en 2008 por proxenetismo con una menor en Florida y estando registrado como delincuente sexual, era una figura con importantes conexiones en Estados Unidos y más allá, sobre todo en las élites de todo el espectro político y social.

Se le ha relacionado con el expresidente Donald Trump (2017-2021), el fundador de Microsoft Bill Gates, el exabogado Alan Dershowitz, el académico Noam Chomsky o el cineasta Woody Allen, entre otros.

La jueza Preska fijó la fecha del primero de enero para dar tiempo a objetar a quien se opusiera a la publicación de su nombre, aunque ha concedido a los abogados de al menos una víctima, ´Jane Doe 107″´ tiempo hasta el 22 de enero para prueben que corre peligro en el país donde vive si es identificada.

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The names of dozens of people connected to the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein were made public in a release of court documents on Wednesday. 

Public figures including Prince Andrew and former US President Bill Clinton are among the associates, friends and alleged victims named in the 900 pages unsealed on the order of a judge in New York.

Both the former US president and the British royal deny any knowledge of Epstein’s crimes. 

Many names in the documents are mentioned in passing as part of various legal proceedings, and their inclusion does not suggest wrongdoing related to Epstein

Epstein took his own life in jail in 2019 while awaiting trial. His friend and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell is serving 20 years in prison for child sex trafficking.

Why are these names being made public?

The identities are being revealed under a settled lawsuit against Maxwell, the daughter of a British media tycoon.

The defamation lawsuit was brought by Virginia Giuffre, one of Maxwell’s accusers, and at the time the names were kept secret under a court-ordered seal. 

But last month a judge in New York ruled these could now come to light.

What did the judge say about the names?

Judge Loretta Preska noted that many of the individuals named in the lawsuit had already been publicly identified by the media or in Maxwell’s criminal trial. 

She added that many others “did not raise an objection” to the release of the documents. 

Some of the names on the list will remain sealed, including those belonging to child victims, the judge said in her ruling. 

And some individuals may have appeared more than once under different Doe numbers, so the exact number of names to emerge is unknown.

Whose names are on the Epstein list?

So far, the names are a mix of people accused of wrongdoing, people making these accusations and others who were potential witnesses to crimes.

Prince Andrew is on the list – the court filings include 40 documents of evidence from a woman who has made accusations against him.

Johanna Sjoberg claimed Prince Andrew groped her breast while sitting on a couch inside Epstein’s Manhattan apartment in 2001.

Buckingham Palace has previously said the allegations are “categorically untrue”.

Last year, the prince paid millions to Ms Giuffre to settle a lawsuit she filed claiming that he sexually abused her when she was 17 years old. 

Ms Giuffre says Epstein brought her to London and introduced her to Prince Andrew. A now famous photograph that she says was taken on that night shows the prince with his arm around Ms Giuffre, as Maxwell smiles in the background.

Prince Andrew said he had no recollection of ever meeting Ms Giuffre and denied her allegations. 

What does it say about Bill Clinton?

The former US president is mentioned dozens of times in the court documents, but there is no implication of any illegality.

Mr Clinton travelled on Epstein’s plane on humanitarian trips to Africa in the early 2000s, and at the time praised Epstein as a committed philanthropist.

Mr Clinton’s team have previously said that he cut ties with Epstein before the financier came under investigation. They have in the past said he knows nothing about Epstein’s crimes.

Many of his mentions in these court filings relate to Ms Giuffre’s unsuccessful attempts to make the former president testify about his relationship with Epstein.

Who was Jeffrey Epstein?

Epstein was a millionaire known to mix with high-profile figures like Prince Andrew.

At the time of his death in jail in 2019, he was accused of running a “vast network” of underage girls for sex. He pleaded not guilty.

A decade earlier he had been convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor.

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