
Alcalde Nichols nombra a Mike Miller administrador de la ciudad

TULSA, OK — El alcalde Monroe Nichols anunció que Mike Miller el gerente de la ciudad de Muskogee será parte de su administración como el nuevo gerente de la ciudad de Tulsa. A partir del 6 de enero del 2025 Mike Miller asumirá sus responsabilidades.

Como el administrador de la ciudad, Miller servirá en un papel importante en la administración y asistirá al alcalde Nichols a cumplir con las operaciones diarias de la ciudad de Tulsa. Miller apoyará y supervisará varios departamentos al servicio del plan del alcalde para fortalecer los servicios de la ciudad y asegurar que la ciudad de Tulsa sea un empleador de primera categoría.

Miller ha sido gerente de la ciudad de Muskogee desde el 2016 y ayudo a implementar el proyecto de rehabilitación de calles más grande en la historia de la ciudad. También fue instrumental al construir la nueva planta de aguas residuales. Miller también es reconocido por desarrollar un modelo financiero de ciudad que es utilizado como ejemplo para financiar municipalidades a nivel estatal. En los últimos ocho años, Miller ayudo a aumentar las reservas financieras de Muskogee de 5 por ciento a más de 20 por ciento.

Antes de formar parte del gobierno de la ciudad de Muskogee, Miller trabajo con los gobiernos de las tribus como empleado y asesor por dos décadas, tuvo varios papeles en administración de gobierno, en comunicaciones y de locutor.

Miller tiene un título de la Universidad Abilene Christian, una maestría de la Universidad de Nevada – Las Vegas. Miller y su esposa Holly han estado casados por veinticinco años y su hija Annie es estudiante de la Universidad de Tulsa.

Mayor Nichols Announces Mike Miller as City Administrator

TULSA, OK — Mayor Monroe Nichols has announced that Mike Miller, current City Manager for the City of Muskogee, will serve in his administration as the City of Tulsa’s new City Administrator. Miller will assume responsibilities starting January 6, 2025.

As the City Administrator, Miller will serve in a key role in the Administration and assist Mayor Nichols in carrying out day-to-day operations for the City of Tulsa. Miller will support and oversee multiple departments in service of the mayor’s plan to strengthen City services and ensure the City of Tulsa is a top-notch employer.

“Mike is an incredible public servant, strong leader, and someone who is more than qualified to help lead Tulsa in the years ahead,” Mayor Nichols said. “With a background in multiple tribal governments and a track record of employee recruitment and retention, Mike will address challenges head-on with an intimate knowledge of how to get things done at the local level. Mike brings a strong background in public sector management that will allow us to build a strong internal culture and commitment to data-driven decision making.”

As Muskogee’s City Manager since 2016, Miller helped implement Muskogee’s largest street rehabilitation project in the city’s history. In addition to being instrumental in building the city’s new wastewater plant, Miller is also credited with developing a city financial model that is used as an example statewide for funding municipalities. During the last eight years, Miller helped increase Muskogee’s financial reserves from 5% to more than 20%.

“I’m flattered to be asked by Mayor Nichols to return to my childhood home,” Miller said. “I consider it a privilege to get the opportunity to make our neighbors’ lives better every day and I look forward to working with our dedicated city employees to improve outcomes for Tulsans.”

Prior to his time at the City of Muskogee, Miller worked with tribal governments as an employee and consultant for the better part of two decades in various government management and communication roles and was a broadcaster before his time in government.

Miller holds an undergraduate degree from Abilene Christian University and a master’s degree from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Miller and his wife Holly have been married for 25 years and their daughter Annie is a student at the University of Tulsa.