Plácido Domingo recibió el alta para recuperarse en casa
El tenor español Plácido Domingo fue dado de alta del hospital de Acapulco donde era tratado de COVID-19 y está recuperándose en su casa, confirmaron este lunes a Efe fuentes sanitarias.
Además, por medio de un comunicado oficial emitido desde su cuenta de Facebook, el cantante de 79 años aseguró este lunes que había existido mucha información confusa e incorrecta en torno a su estado de salud.
«Estoy en casa y me siento bien. Afortunadamente desde el primer síntoma estaba, como siempre, bajo supervisión médica, dada mi edad y mis comorbilidades, por lo tanto la infección COVID-19 se sospechó de inmediato y esto me ayudó mucho. Ahora continúo la terapia y descanso», afirmó en la red social.
El tenor también resaltó la importancia de quedarse en casa, agradeció a aquellos quienes se han preocupado por su salud y aseguró estar pensando en todas las personas que en la actualidad están sufriendo y luchando para salvar la vida de los enfermos.

Opera Singer Plácido Domingo at Home After Hospitalization for Coronavirus
Opera singer Plácido Domingo was hospitalized after testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).
A rep for Domingo told Opera Wire, “His condition is stable and he will remain in the hospital as long as doctors find it necessary until a hoped-for full recovery.”
After spending a week in the hospital in Acapulco, Mexico, Domingo was discharged on March 28 and is currently at home, according to the health secretary in Guerrero, Opera Wire reported.
“After a week in the hospital, he was released to continue the treatment at home in isolation. He has been responding well and will continue following the doctors orders,” Domingo’s rep explained to Opera Wire.
The singer announced on March 22 that he tested positive for coronavirus in a statement shared on Facebook.
“I feel it is my moral duty to announce to you that I have tested positive for COVID19, the coronavirus. My family and I are all in self isolation for as long as it is deemed medically necessary,” the statement read.
“Currently, we are all in good health, but I experienced fever and cough symptoms therefore deciding to get tested and the result came back positive,” Domingo continued.
Domingo went on to urge his followers to “be extremely careful, follow the basic guidelines by washing your hands frequently, keeping at least a 6 feet distance from others, doing everything you can to stop the virus from spreading and please above all stay home if you can!”
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