Los estudiantes de Owasso regresan a las aulas el primer día de clases / Owasso Students Return To Classrooms On First Day Of School
Jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021, 5:24 am
Por: Cal Day
OWASSO, Oklahoma – Los estudiantes de Owasso que eligen aprender en persona regresan a las aulas el jueves por la mañana. El distrito informa un aumento en la inscripción después de una disminución el año pasado y tendrá procedimientos de seguridad similares en su lugar.
La superintendente Dra. Amy Fichtner dijo que más del 97% de los estudiantes del distrito están regresando a la instrucción en persona. El resto está participando en la opción virtual del distrito, al menos durante el semestre de otoño.
De acuerdo con la ley estatal, las máscaras son opcionales para los estudiantes y el personal. El Dr. Fichtner dijo que el distrito apoyará a cualquiera que quiera usar uno.
Los administradores usarán el rastreo de contactos para notificar a los padres si su hijo estuvo cerca de alguien que dio positivo en la prueba de COVID-19. También se realizarán esfuerzos para desinfectar con frecuencia las áreas de alto contacto.
El Dr. Fichtner dijo que los estudiantes también pueden notar algunas prácticas como distanciamiento, fuentes de agua cubiertas y pasillos de un solo sentido en algunos edificios. Ella dijo que estos son conceptos con los que los estudiantes y el personal deberían estar familiarizados a estas alturas.
“Esa parte será más cómoda para nuestro personal porque ya la han usado anteriormente”, dijo el Dr. Fichtner. “Nuestros estudiantes, por ejemplo, con fuentes de agua cubiertas y trayendo botellas de agua, lo explicamos el año pasado, este año es lo que hacemos”.
El Dr. Fichtner dijo que el número de inscripciones está aumentando para este año escolar después de ver una disminución el año pasado. Ella dijo que la facultad y el personal han estado trabajando toda la semana para prepararse para el año.
“Una de las cosas que es emocionante de ver es la energía en el aire cuando nuestros niños regresan a sus edificios escolares físicos”, dijo el Dr. Fichtner. “Vale la pena ocuparse de esos desafíos adicionales y creo que nuestro equipo está comprometido con esos desafíos debido a los niños a los que servimos”.
Puede encontrar más información sobre el próximo año escolar en el sitio web del distrito, puede encontrarlo haciendo clic aquí. https://www.owassops.org/.
Owasso Students Return To Classrooms On First Day Of School
Thursday, August 12th 2021, 5:24 am
By: Cal Day
OWASSO, Oklahoma – Owasso students choosing to learn in person are returning to classrooms on Thursday morning. The district is reporting an increase in enrollment following a decrease last year and will have similar safety procedures in place.
Superintendent Dr. Amy Fichtner said more than 97% of students in the district are returning to in-person instruction. The rest are taking part in the district’s virtual option, at least for the fall semester.
In accordance with state law, masks are optional for students and staff. Dr. Fichtner said the district will support anyone who wants to wear one.
Administrators will use contact tracing to notify parents if their child was around someone who tests positive for COVID-19. There will also be efforts to frequently sanitize high-contact areas.
Dr. Fichtner said students may also notice some practices like distancing, covered water fountains and one-way hallways in some buildings. She said these are concepts students and staff should be familiar with by now.
“That part of it will be more comfortable for our staff because they have previously used it,” said Dr. Fichtner. “Our students, for example, with covered water fountains and bringing water bottles, we were explaining it last year, this year it’s just what we do.”
Dr. Fichtner said enrollment numbers are increasing for this school year after seeing a decrease last year. She said faculty and staff have been working all week to get ready for the year.
“One of the things that’s exciting to see is the energy in the air as our children come back to their physical school buildings,” said Dr. Fichtner. “They are worth taking care of those extra challenges and I think our team is committed to those challenges because of the kiddos we serve.”
More information on the upcoming school year can be found on the district’s website, you can find it by Clicking Here. https://www.owassops.org/.
Owasso Students Return To Classrooms On First Day Of School
Thursday, August 12th 2021, 5:24 am
By: Cal Day
OWASSO, Oklahoma – Owasso students choosing to learn in person are returning to classrooms on Thursday morning. The district is reporting an increase in enrollment following a decrease last year and will have similar safety procedures in place.
Superintendent Dr. Amy Fichtner said more than 97% of students in the district are returning to in-person instruction. The rest are taking part in the district’s virtual option, at least for the fall semester.
In accordance with state law, masks are optional for students and staff. Dr. Fichtner said the district will support anyone who wants to wear one.
Administrators will use contact tracing to notify parents if their child was around someone who tests positive for COVID-19. There will also be efforts to frequently sanitize high-contact areas.
Dr. Fichtner said students may also notice some practices like distancing, covered water fountains and one-way hallways in some buildings. She said these are concepts students and staff should be familiar with by now.
“That part of it will be more comfortable for our staff because they have previously used it,” said Dr. Fichtner. “Our students, for example, with covered water fountains and bringing water bottles, we were explaining it last year, this year it’s just what we do.”
Dr. Fichtner said enrollment numbers are increasing for this school year after seeing a decrease last year. She said faculty and staff have been working all week to get ready for the year.
“One of the things that’s exciting to see is the energy in the air as our children come back to their physical school buildings,” said Dr. Fichtner. “They are worth taking care of those extra challenges and I think our team is committed to those challenges because of the kiddos we serve.”
More information on the upcoming school year can be found on the district’s website, you can find it by Clicking Here. https://www.owassops.org/.
more information in the original source