
La actriz mexicana Rebecca Jones muere a los 65 años

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.-La actriz mexicana Rebecca Jones murió este miércoles con 65 años de edad y tras cerca de 40 años de carrera en los que se consolidó por sus papeles en telenovelas, cine y teatro.

«Con profunda tristeza queremos informar el fallecimiento de nuestra querida y admirada Rebecca Anne Jones Fuentes (21 de mayo 1957-22 de marzo 2023)”, señaló su publicista, Danna Vázquez, en un comunicado.

Aunque el texto no precisó las causas de su muerte, la actriz originaria de Ciudad de México había padecido de cáncer de ovario en los últimos años.

.“Rebecca estuvo acompañada en todo momento por sus seres queridos, se fue en paz y con un profundo agradecimiento a su público para el que trabajó toda su vida”, agregó el boletín de Vázquez.



Jones passed away accompanied by her closest family members.


Rebecca Jones has died at the age of 65. The Mexican actress was known by her roles in films and telenovelas, had a career that spanned over 40 years.

The news of Jones death were confirmed by her agency, which shared a statement on Twitter. The post contains a written statement and a black and white photo of Jones.“It’s with profound sadness that we inform you of the death of our beloved and admired Rebecca Anne Jones Fuentes,” reads the post. “Rebecca was accompanied at all times by her loved ones. She left in peace and with the utmost gratitude for her audience. Thanks to everyone who has been supporting her at all times,” concludes the statement.

Jones spent a couple of months recovering from a bout of pneumonia that she contracted after getting a lung infection at the end of last year. The news of her health were released on November 2nd, when her family shared a statement asking for blood donors.

Her last public appearance occurred this March 3rd, where she attended the private screening of her last film, “Nada que ver.” Jones looked thinner, but she appeared to be in a good mood as she smiled and took photos alongside her castmates.

In 2018, Jones was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. While the prognosis was a bad one, with the doctor telling her that she had few months to live, she beat the disease in the year 2019, following chemotherapy and cancer treatments.

Jones was born in Mexico and became an icon of television. She starred in some of the country’s leading telenovelas, including “Cuna de Lobos,” “Días de combate,” and “Amorosos fantasmas“.

More from the original source https://www.hola.com/us/celebrities/20230322343951/rebecca-jones-mexican-actress-died/