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Bee Well Yoga donates $ 5,000.00 dollars to the soccer program. Yoga y Fútbol; Bee Well Yoga dona $5,000.00 dólares a programa de futbol infantil.

Por: Carlos Chicas & Michael Cruz

Fotos: Crant Osborne & Julie Helm

Bee Well Yoga de la Ciudad de Rogers sorprendió esta semana al Club de Futbol Bentonville FC Prodigy con una donación de cinco mil dólares, los cuales serán utilizados para adquirir porterías oficiales que serán usadas en las canchas de futbol de dicho club.

Members of the U14 Bentonville Prodigy FC Soccer Club practicing Yoga at Bee Well Yoga.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov es la propietaria de Bee Well Yoga, y en entrevista exclusiva compartió como llego Yoga a su vida. “Hace algunos años cuando estaba en la universidad necesitaba una clase más y decidí tomar una clase de Yoga para poder mantener mi beca escolar, nunca me gustaba hacer Yoga porque era muy difícil ya que mis músculos estaban tan cerrados por tanto correr.” Comento Allisson.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov demonstrates Yoga Techniques.

Yoga es una practica que data desde anos atrás. El yoga se refiere a una tradicional disciplina física y mental y es asociada con prácticas de meditación que estimula el relajamiento del cuerpo.

Bee Well Yoga esta localizado en Rogers, y una de las cosas que Allisson Butler-Kublanov trata a través de la practica de Yoga es aclarar el concepto de esta disciplina. “Somos un estudio de yoga con un concepto diferente para nuestros participantes, con una combinación cardiovascular. Mucha gente piensa que Yoga solo es físico, pero también es mental, la parte que nos ayuda a mejorar nuestro cuerpo. Yo enseño Yoga a chicos de temprana edad, desde los 8 años, claro es diferente dependiendo la edad, y nos ajustamos a todas las edades.” Comento Butler-Kublanov.

Mobility Coach Benjamin Cary explains member of the U14 Bentonville Prodigy FC the importante of Yoga.

Clubes Deportivos como Bentonville FC Prodigy han visto los beneficios de practicar esta disciplina en Bee Well Yoga y estar libres de lesiones, y prevenir las mismas. “Es muy importante para futbolistas, tengo dos hijos que juegan fútbol, y no les gusta hacerlo, pero como madre de ellos, los motivo para que lo hagan, y cada vez que practican Yoga, los músculos lo sienten mas relajados. Yoga no tiene que ser algo que se hace por mucho tiempo, de 10 a 20 minutos ayuda mucho, y cada entrenador debería de incorporarlo en cada practica de futbol.” Agrego Allisson.

Julio Ayala is the assistant coach for 05 Bentonville Prodigy FC and he enjoyed yoga session at Bee Well Yoga.

Allisson compartió la misión de Bee Well Yoga, misma que la motiva a compartir su recursos con la comunidad del Noroeste de Arkansas y que le permitió hacer la donación de $5,000.00 al Club de Futbol Bentonville FC Prodidy. “Nuestra misión aquí es compasión y amor a nuestras comunidad. Cada mes nosotros identificamos a diferentes organizaciones que tienen ciertas necesidades, hemos donado a muchas instituciones. Una de las maneras como lo logramos es cada viernes puedes venir a practicar Yoga y donas $5 dólares y eso nos permite ayudar a recaudar fondos para nuestra comunidad. Estoy muy entusiasmada de ayudar a nuestra comunidad y espero que Yoga siga creciendo.”

Emerson Flores a 7th grader at Kirksey Middle School and member of U14 Squad practice relaxation.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov compartió su secreto para tener éxito en su vida. Mismo que lo combino al momento de emprender Bee Well Yoga. “Confíale a tu instinto, trabaja duro y dale pa’lante. Siempre pon a tu familia primero y tu espiritualidad.” Concluyo Allisson Butler-Kublanov.

Bee Well Yoga is the perfect place to stay injury free.

Bee Well Yoga esta localizado en, 5208 W Village Pkwy Ste. 8, Rogers, AR 72758. Abierto de Lunes a Domingo. Para mas información llamar al 479-616-7715 email: [email protected]


By: Carlos Chicas & Michael Cruz

Photos: Crant Osborne & Julie Helm

Bee Well Yoga in Rogers surprised Bentonville FC Prodigy Soccer Club this week with a donation of five thousand dollars, which will be used to acquire official soccer goals that will be used in the club’s soccer fields for the 2019 season.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov is the owner of Bee Well Yoga, and in an exclusive interview shared how Yoga came to her life. “A few years ago, when I was in college I needed another class and I decided to take a Yoga class to keep my scholarship. I never liked doing Yoga because it was very difficult because of my muscles were so tie from running so much.” Commented Allisson.

Ethan Helm and Murilo Apparecido learning techniques of yoga at Bee Well Yoga.

Yoga is a discipline that dates from years ago. Yoga refers to a traditional physical and mental discipline and is associated with meditation practices that stimulate the relaxation of the body.

Bee Well Yoga is located in Rogers, and one of the things that Allisson Butler-Kublanov what you can experience when coming to her yoga studio. “We are a yoga studio with a different concept for our participants, we include a cardiovascular combination. Many people think that Yoga is only physical, but it is also mental, the part that helps us improves our body. I teach Yoga to young children, from 8 years old and up, of course it is different depending on age, and we adjust to all ages. “Butler-Kublanov commented.

Benjamin Cary a mobility coach at Bee Well Yoga teaching techniques to soccer players.

Members of Bentonville FC Prodigy soccer club have seen the benefits of practicing this discipline at Bee Well Yoga and being injury-free. “It’s very important for soccer players, I have two children who play soccer, and they do not like to do yoga, but as their mother, I motivate them to do it, and every time they practice Yoga, their muscles feel more relaxed. Yoga does not have to be something that is done for a long time, from 10 to 20 minutes it helps a lot, and each coach should incorporate it in every soccer practice. “Allisson added.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov during yoga session explains to Zack how to maintain balance.

Allison shared the mission of Bee Well Yoga, and how she raises funds that later are donate to the community. “Our mission is compassion and love for our community. Each month we identify different organizations that have certain needs. We have donated to many institutions. One of the ways we raise funds, every Friday you can come to practice Yoga and donate $ 5 dollars; that helps us to help raise funds for our community. I am very excited to help our community and I hope that Yoga continues to grow.”

At Bee Well Yoga you will find the right fit for you.

Allisson Butler-Kublanov shared her secret to success at Bee Well Yoga and in life. “Trust your gut, work hard and go for it. Always put your family first and your spirituality. “Concluded Allison Butler-Kublanov.

Bee Well Yoga is located at, 5208 W Village Pkwy Ste. 8, Rogers, AR 72758. Bee Well Yoga is open Monday through Sunday. For more information call 479-616-7715 or email: [email protected]