
Conmoción en el fútbol argentino: encontraron muerto a Santiago Morro García, figura de Godoy Cruz / How were the last days of Santiago Morro García before being found lifeless

El delantero uruguayo del Tomba se quitó la vida en su departamento en Mendoza. Tenía 30 años

Una noticia sacudió al fútbol argentino y sudamericano. En horas de la mañana, encontraron muerto a Santiago García. El delantero de 30 años, histórico jugador de Godoy Cruz que arribó al club mendocino en 2016, tenía contrato con la institución hasta junio de este año pero había sido apartado del plantel profesional por orden del presidente José Manzur.

El futbolista uruguayo, que estaba bajo tratamiento psiquiátrico, fue hallado sin signos vitales en su departamento, ubicado en el piso 11 del complejo El Bosque, en la calle Hipólito Yrigoyen al 148 del barrio Godoy Cruz. La fiscal de homicidios de la provincia Claudia Ríos quedó al frente del caso.

Según indicó el diario El Sol, de Mendoza, ante la falta de respuestas -no contestaba llamadas ni mensajes-, un amigo del delantero llamó al 911 y se dirigió al domicilio con un cerrajero para poder ingresar a la casa de García. Una vez que un grupo de amigos y personal policial pudieron acceder al departamento, se encontraron con el cuerpo del delantero sobre su cama y con un disparo en la cabeza.

La fiscal Ríos, que lleva adelante la investigación, evito dar detalles sobre si encontraron algún tipo de mensaje en el departamento pero aclaró: “En el lugar todo estaba en orden. Estaba sobre la cama y por lo que ha adelantado científica con un disparo de arma de fuego en el parietal derecho, y junto a él un arma calibre 22″.

En diciembre del 2020, el propio Manzur había expresado su descontento por el presente de García, máximo anotador del Tomba en Primera División. “Vos no podés ser un líder y no ir al gimnasio, no cumplimentar los regímenes de peso, estar en rojo con todas las mediciones. Lamentablemente hay un problema de interrelación personal que a los chicos hay que apoyarlos, fomentarlos, levantarles el ego y vos no se lo podés tirar abajo. Hay una situación de jugadores que profesionalmente no han cumplido, si no cumplen no pueden estar”, expresó el titular de Godoy Cruz.

En ese escenario, y después de que el Morro no fue citado para enfrentar a River e Independiente, ambas partes decidieron ponerle punto final a la historia. “Que no te quepa la menor duda de que su ciclo está terminado”, aclaró el presidente.

Una de las primeras instituciones que se expresó ante la muerte de García fue Nacional, de Uruguay, el lugar donde el atacante se formó en las divisiones inferiores de uno de los grandes equipo del fútbol charrúa y de Sudamérica.

“No hay palabras ni consuelo. Inmenso dolor por la muerte de uno de los jugadores e hinchas más queridos en en la historia reciente de Nacional. Todos lloramos por “El Morro” #QEPD”, publicó la cuenta oficial de Twitter del Bolso.

En su primera etapa en Nacional, el Morro fue el goleador del Torneo Apertura 2010 uruguayo con una marca histórica: anotó 15 tantos en 15 encuentros disputados, logrando así un promedio de un gol por partido disputado. Después de pasos por el Atlético Paranaense, de Brasil, el Kasımpasa, de Turquía, Santiago García volvió al fútbol charrúa: jugó una temporada en el Bolso y otras dos campañas en River Plate de Uruguay. Ya en 2016, el delantero se mudó a la Argentina y se puso la camiseta de Godoy Cruz, la última que vistió en su carrera hasta su muerte.

Otro de los jugadores que aprovechó sus redes sociales para dejar un mensaje fue Javier Mascherano, recientemente retirado del fútbol luego de un breve paso por Estudiantes de La Plata. “Descansa en Paz Morro. Mis condolencias a su familia y amigos”, escribió Masche.

Gracias a sus goles, a su forma desinteresada de vivir el fútbol, fue que el Morro García se ganó el cariño del fútbol argentino. En el campo de juego, sus festejos y su alto rendimiento hablaron por sí mismo.

Convirtió 51 goles en sus 119 presentaciones en Godoy Cruz y se consagró como máximo anotador de la Superliga 2017/2018 con 17 conquistas.

A través de las redes sociales, Godoy Cruz despidió a su último gran ídolo. “Fuiste héroe, fuiste goleador, fuiste amigo y familia, fuiste todo lo que una persona desea ser cuando agarra una pelota, hoy te toca ser eterno e infinito para todos nosotros… Muchas gracias por tanto Morro, gracias por tantas alegrías al pueblo tombino. Que en paz descanses”.

Su último grito fue contra Huracán, el pasado 10 de febrero de 2020. En aquel encuentro, que terminó 2-1 en favor del conjunto mendocino, García había puesto el empate parcial con un tanto que tuvo su sello característico: recibió el balón dentro del área, controló el mismo con su pierna derecha y ejecutó un disparo esquinado con su zurda que llenó la red de gol. Y se fue a festejarlo con los hinchas de Godoy Cruz, semanas hasta de que el fútbol quede paralizado por la pandemia de coronavirus.

How were the last days of Santiago Morro García before being found lifeless

The grim, serious gesture that Santiago Garcia He showed on the field of play was generally diametrically opposite to what he exposed indoors with his own.

El Morro was a man who maintained a good relationship with his colleagues and the staff who accompanied him in Godoy Cruz every day. But recently something had changed. An alert light. His mood was not the same, nor was his physical appearance. The conflict he had with the club was simply a symptom of the real problem.

The scorer of 30 years – those who were close to him in the last time count – he missed his daughter, who was in Uruguay with whom he had been his partner and had not seen her since the beginning of the restrictions due to the pandemic in both countries. Slowly, he began to give some indication of the psychological problem that was affecting him. From the club they noticed that he was physically out of line and the first help they decided to offer him was with a nutritionist so that I accompanied him exclusively day by day. According to this media, he abandoned the procedure soon after.

“If you saw his face, you could tell in his eyes that something was wrong,” he told . someone who treated him for the last time. The newspaper El Sol de Mendoza also assures that the soccer player was under psychiatric treatment in recent months.

His problems off the field had also been evidenced in his work within Godoy Cruz. Although he never mentioned it in the interview he gave at the time, President José Manzur had expressed his disagreement with the “leaders” of the staff: “You cannot be a leader and not go to the gym, do not fill in the weight regimes, be in red with all measurements. There is a situation of players who have not complied professionally, if they do not comply they cannot be. In the First Division we have a structural problem. We really need to have positive leaders”, He had shot in December of last year on Radio Andina.

In addition to the fact that he was in the middle of a dispute with the Tomba board of directors, a club with which he had a contract until June of this year, they offered him to go to Uruguay as long as he needed to be close to his family. But days later, the problem deepened: the January 22 they detected that he had coronavirus in the controls that are usually carried out in training. El Morro had to isolate itself.

A day before the news of his positive was known, he made his last post on Twitter. Quite a premonition. Precisely in that account where he had a profile photo with his daughter in his arms. “From the first day to the last grateful and with the tranquility that I can look at everyone’s face”, El Morro signed in his virtual profile. At the beginning of January, it became known that Nacional de Uruguay, the entity that saw him born, intended to repatriate him.

Last Tuesday he had been discharged after overcoming the disease, but during the last 48 hours everything that happened around his figure generated concern. With the campus in Buenos Aires disputing some friendlies, El Morro did not respond to the messages that friends sent him on his cell phone. It caught their attention. They found him dead in his apartment located on the 11th floor of the El Bosque Complex on Hipólito Yrigoyen 148 street in the Godoy Cruz department of Mendoza, where the police had to access with the help of a locksmith. As reported by prosecutor Claudia Ríos, the body He was found on the bed with a bullet hole in the right parietal and at his side was a 22 caliber weapon. The judicial official did not clarify if they found any type of message at the place.

His teammates from the club learned the news minutes after finishing the friendly with Argentinos Juniors that they played during the morning of this Saturday at the AFA premises in Ezeiza. “He was a great guy,” says someone who was close to him. “If you see a photo of when he was a scorer and you saw one in the last half, you will notice that he was physically ill.”

We are not robots, we are not machines, things also happen to us. How they influence you, they influence us. That makes performance on the playing field less than optimal. Thank God I was able to overcome myself little by little, relying on my family, friends, colleagues and coaches on duty. Sometimes they are things that you don’t know, but when you live them inside you realize. Everything has a why in life. I don’t take it as an excuse for my poor performance ”, he had said on Radio Nihuil in one of the last –and few– interviews that he gave in his career. “I’ve been through a million things and they haven’t had so much impact on me. The latter yes. It’s not an excuse. I’ll give you an example: you get home, you have friends, family and sometimes you don’t wake up in a good mood. It’s normal … ”, he added at the time.

Although perhaps his crudest testimony was given before the cameras of TyC Sports a few years ago, when he relived his time at Atlético Paranaense in 2011: “There was a moment when I thought about stopping playing football. To the point that one day my brother opened the door and saw the way I was living. I did not turn on the light in my house, I was totally depressed. He didn’t want to play soccer anymore. There were many situations that overwhelmed me ”.

His last image as a footballer for Godoy Cruz was on December 19, 2020, when he started 0-3 against Newell’s at home. his last shout of goal, the one that fueled his spirit, was in February of last year in a 2-0 against Hurricane days before the restrictions due to the pandemic were imposed.