Paraguay exigirá vacuna contra fiebre amarilla a viajeros de Brasil, Perú y Venezuela/Paraguay to require yellow fever vax when travel includes risk areas
Paraguay exigirá a partir del próximo lunes el certificado de vacunación contra la fiebre amarilla a los viajeros desde y hacia Bolivia, Brasil, Perú y Venezuela, países considerados “zonas de riesgo”, anunció este viernes la Dirección General de Migraciones.
La exigencia del certificado internacional de vacunación contra la fiebre amarilla afectará a viajeros de entre uno y 59 años procedentes de esos países, indicó Migraciones en un comunicado.
También los nacionales y extranjeros residentes en territorio paraguayo deberán cumplir con ese requisito antes de viajar a estos lugares.
La medida entrará en vigor a partir del próximo 14 de febrero en todos los puestos de control migratorio del país, por disposición del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social.
La vacuna deberá ser administrada por lo menos diez días antes del viaje, agregó la información.
Según la Dirección de Migraciones, los viajeros que se desplacen por vía aérea y hagan escala en cualquiera de las zonas de riesgo no deberán presentar el mencionado certificado.
Paraguay to require yellow fever vax when travel includes risk areas
In times when controversies over COVID-19 vaccination mandates keep mounting worldwide, Paraguay’s authorities Friday announced a proof of immunization against yellow fever will be required to travelers arriving from or leaving for Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela.
“Without the vaccination certificate, nationals and foreign residents will not be able to travel to these destinations and non-resident foreigners from these risk areas will not be able to enter the national territory,” the General Directorate of Migrations said in a statement.
The decision stems from the Health Ministry and will become effective Feb. 14 at all immigration control posts nationwide.
The requirement applies to all people aged 1 to 59 who come from or go to these countries, currently considered as risk areas. However, the list of nations and territories may be extended at the Health Ministry’s discretion, it was reported.
Those without the vaccination card will have to go through sanitary controls for 10 days from their entry, while outbound travelers will be banned from leaving the country if they do not have the International Certificate of Vaccination against yellow fever.
“Any foreign person, not resident in Paraguay, coming from a risk area, must present the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever to enter Paraguay,” the authorities’ statement went on.
Those unable to get vaccinated due to health issues must show proof of their condition through a note signed by a medical professional registered under the Health Ministry or by the health authority of the country of origin and comply with sanitary monitoring for 10 days.
Air travelers who make a stopover at any of the risk areas will not be required the international yellow fever vaccination certificate, which is available in Paraguay at any regional hospital nationwide. A visa is not required to get it and it is valid for life, Paraguayan authorities have also explained.
The vaccine must be applied at least 10 days before the trip. It consists of one dose in a lifetime and requires no booster injections.